Imagine a European country in which official history teaches for over a century that "no one knows how the country became" or cannot explain why the country was named the way it was named. In addition, all official discussions of that country's history since the Antiquity and on, carry compulsory labels that say: "very little known about", "not understood", "very little evidence" etc. Well, imagine no more, for that country is Bosnia and Herzegovina. Hmm, Bosnia and what? Oh, you thought I said Bosnia and Southern Bosnia... Because, doesn't "Herzegovina" stand for a southern region of the country, named after Duke (German: Herzog) Stjepan Kosača, a medieval landowner of that region's largest chunk?
You heard it correct!
Imagine now some "mysterious" force renaming your country, by adding to its millennium-old name also the name of one of its parts. Is nonsense like that possible in real life? For instance, if you live in France, this could sound something like "France and Corsica"... Whew! Did I just split your France apart, you ask? You bet I did!
Now lets go back to year 1853 for a moment.
Bosnia (officially called so until 1853) is under the Ottoman occupation. Totally out-of-the-blue, the occupationist administration renames the country to "Bosnia and Herzegovina". Around that time, Croatia, then under occupation by the Austria-Hungarian Empire under the Hapsburg family (another Vatican's puppets, same as Ottoman family and many others including Mussolini, Hitler, or today - Erdogan of Turkey etc.), also gets renamed to "Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia". Twenty five years later, equally "mysteriously", Bosnia changes hands from the Ottoman to the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, keeping her name. While Croatia managed to get rid of her ridiculous name soon after she got it, 150+ years on and Bosnia still has her same old ridiculous name... (I say ridiculous because it's even less logical than the above example: unlike Corsica, Herzegovina is a mere geographical term without known physical borders!)
The fact that Croatia has managed to get out of the Twilight Zone so fast, and the fact that a veil of secrecy still surrounds the renaming of the two countries (official histories in Bosnia and Croatia virtually don't refer to this crucial event), point at one possible explanation: the renaming was done with Vatican's oberpolitics (geostrategy) in mind, or, more precisely still, for the purpose of colonization in this case. Not only that Bosnia today is still called "Bosnia and Herzegovina", but she recently (in Dayton in 1995) got stripped of her "Republic" status too, making it quite obvious that Bosnia is the last unofficial colony in the world, ran by the Vatican (six colonial governors - all Catholics!). If you recall those school lessons on safari-Africa, in colonies you can kill or rape or destroy or loot pretty much anything that moves or holds any value, without ever having to pay a price.
After the world got rid of South African apartheid regime, Bosnia with its colonial status remains the last shameful spot of the world.