On fascist monopoly Google's Character Assassins of Dr. Mensur Omerbashich PhD
Vatican's geostrategy turning Bosnia into their "moat around the castle" to repel Russia & England away: the real reason behind Bosnia's "misfortune"

19 October, 2013

Salisbury's secret cycle

The two historical moments that defined today's Bosnia were the occupation by Ottoman Turkey in 1463, and handing Bosnia over to Austria-Hungary in 1878. The latter undoubtedly defined Bosnia's destiny for centuries to come, which culminated in the heavy crisis she's going through as we speak. The current crisis is the consequence of unresolved questions from the 1878 Congress of Berlin. ("...the Congress failed to consider adequately the aspirations of the Balkan peoples and, thereby, laid the foundation for future crises in the Balkans", Britannica, 1999). But how did the change of occupation happen in the first place, and why? Moreover, how do entire countries (European at that!) simply "change hands", and how is this done over night? Of course, one correct answer is: via treason. Another correct answer is related to that: via shameful betrayal of the national interests by domestic aristocracy and intellectuals whose personal gains (financial; career) became their only concern. The third correct answer is (why I'm not surprised) - Britain and Vatican. Namely, the chief engineer of the monstrous project of replacing one occupationist in Bosnia with another was a British lord (why I'm not surprised, again) Robert Salisbury (1830-1903) [pictured right]. The details from his biography that are relevant for the Bosnia case are that he lost his mom at age 10, that he had such an unfortunate childhood that even his biographers couldn't avoid mentioning it, and that he was bullied big time all the way through his schooling. What a profile of a grow-up-to-become-a-Hitler!
Cartoon that appeared in European newspapers of 1878: German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, to British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, as they play gods discussing the Turkey-Austria switch on Bosnia: "I fancy our friend the Turk don't half like it?" Disraeli, a proud racist, replies: "Ha! That's another "Party" that will have to be "EDUCATED" "
The unresolved issues from the 1877 Russo-Turkish war had made a new war inevitable just one year later - this time between Russia and England (the Turkey's geostrategic "partner of a thousand years", together with being a partner of the Vatican since that freak pope named Borgia). Britain apparently got scared, so British foreign minister Salisbury came up with the following genocidal plan. Since Turkey was getting weak as it was feudal and stretched on three continents, Bosnia was becoming a burden. At the same time, another British geostrategic partner of a thousand years, the industrial but smaller Austria (Austria-Hungary) had become desperate for resources and territory. But most importantly, Russia sought to expend into Bosnia, thus acquiring exit to the strategic mid-Adriatic waters... So, what did Salisbury do? He replaced the Ottoman occupation for the Austrian occupation! How to do it legally? Ask the pope as the de joure sovereign of Bosnia based on forged last will by last queen (consort!) of Bosnia, one Catherine who "left Bosnia to the popes" - in popes' dreams of course. (The popes will rent out any part of Illyria for a small fee to just about anyone, as they do since Rome conquered Illyria in 9AD!)
For this, he undertook secret diplomacy, and a cover-up "1878 Congress of Berlin" was set up within a week. In it, Austria pretended she was worried about the destiny of Bosnian Christians, and asked if she could occupy Bosnia. As expected, most European states sympathized. So in a single move Turkey has freed 100,000 soldiers and moved them from Bosnia to the Russian front, while Austria became enormously rich at the expense of her new colony Bosnia (minerals; 1st class forest). Austria's gains from Bosnia are estimated at over $100 billion worth today. Pope got his percentage of blood money too.
Russia soon realized that the situation had changed, and the war preparations against England were called off. Bosnians took Islam after the English ally Turkey occupied Bosnia in 1527, as there were no Slavs in Bosnia at the time. In order to make the handover appear unsuspicious to Bosnians, the secret diplomacy culminated with a staged armed resistance that took several thousand Bosnian lives. For his genocidal plan, queen Victoria bestowed upon Salisbury the Order of the Garter, the highest decoration she could give. Conservative party was delighted with this man's cruelty , so they elected him the party president, in 1885. He served as British Prime Minister in three terms over 13 years, during which time he maniacally held on to the foreign minister post as well.
In his mandate as a PM/foreign minister, Salisbury's psychotic profile of a bullied kid simply exploded, and he personally redrew borders of most of the states in Africa, split up the entire Arabia into dozens of funny-shaped countries (drawing borders to match the oil reserves i.e. the oil companies' interests), reinstated cruelty in the British army - India in particular, occupied Cyprus and South Africa, and the list goes on... For his cold-blooded dictatorship and cruelty he was dubbed the "PM with Imperial Ambitions", and "English Napoleon". That it was the case of madness can be seen from the way he raised his children too: his son lord Robert Cranborne (1893-1972) designed the apartheid regime of South African Republic. The other son, lord Edward Gascoyne-Cecil (1867-1917) was a colonial administrator of Egypt, known for cruelty and smuggling. The third son, lord Robert Cecil (1864-1958), has founded in 1919 the "League of Nations" - the predecessor of the "United Nations"... Like father like sons, and these grabbing maniacs took a big bite of the cake themselves, so the Salisbury estate today is estimated at around $ 1 billion... Demonstrably, the world as we know it is a creation of a single "dynasty" of money-grabbing lunatics that originated from one bullied kid! (And by dynasty I don't mean just the Salisbury's, since the creation of the two key geostrategic points - the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal - was commissioned before and after Salisbury's terms, respectively, so the British collective never depends on any single person or family - it rather uses many individuals' relentnessness - relentlessly).
In his last interview, that appeared in Sunday Times of March 1980, Josip Broz "Tito" opened his heart and admitted that Yugoslavia was a mere creation set up for Britain's interests. This explains the illogical moves uncharacteristic of a communist leader, which Tito has taken during his lifelong reign, such as: why he never named his successor, why he (shortly before his death) prepared the country for dissolution by imposing a new Constitution of 1974 that invented federal units ready-made to become independent, and so on. In his death-bad interview, Tito thus recalled his meeting of 1944 with Winston Churchill in Naples (Napoli), Italy [pictured on the right]. They had agreed Tito would have Yugoslavia the way he wanted, in return for acting as a deterrent or a shield against the Soviet Union (but already in September, Tito met with Stalin in Moscow so the whole thing was a performance culminating in the Tito's 1948 staged "No!" to Stalin). The 1943 Teheran Conference took place, leveling the ground for this agreement. But in the same week the Teheran Conference was held, the 2nd Session of the so-called AVNOJ (communist supreme body) took place too, pretending to mean an act of independence by Tito's partisans. So even the Tito's famous "No!" to Stalin, of 1948, was just a materialization of the secret deal reached a few years earlier between Tito and the Brits...
When he realized how successful he was in the western "Balkans" (another Anglo-Vatican sophism for Illyria proper), Salisbury made his idea a permanent one: whenever Russia gets strong - homogenize the Balkans, and whenever Russia gets weak - dissolve the Balkans. Make sure it's all done in secrecy and with bloodshed using unprecedented savagery. In order to see her plan always executed and then brought to the desired outcome, Britain and the Vatican sponsored the creation of both the Chetniks (Serbian fascists) and the Ustashe (Croatian fascists), respectively. As a result, two Yugoslavias were created and dissolved so far in blood. The first, of 1918, in response to the October Revolution of 1917 (that Britain financed through Rothschild family's gold credits to Lenin), resulting in the creation of Soviet Union (SU). The first Yugoslavia then dissolved in blood as Russia (SU) became weak under Hitler's attacks. (Hitler too was on Rothschilds' credit-stub, which explains why he allowed Chetniks' and Ustashes' presence in Bosnia despite the Nazi propaganda from the 1920-ies claiming racial non-Slavic purity of Bosnian Illyrians (that Nazis saw as of German kin). Second Yugoslavia was then resurrected in 1944, in response to the 1943 victory of the Red Army over Nazi Germany, enabling Russia (SU) to become stronger than ever. This second Yugoslavia was also dissolved in blood, in 1991, after the SU got dissolved in 1989 making Russia weakest since 1941... Now we're seeing Putin's Russia getting strong again, and London and Bosnia's fake landlord the Vatican are at it again - creating a third Yugoslavia, under the Karajorjevich dynasty under Elizabeth's godson self-styled prince (his father abdicated to Tito so they're not a royal family any more), dubbed Alexander the Pig by Serbian people.
By instating such a cyclic havoc upon the western Balkans, Jesuits and Britain each re-attain a large maneuvering space in the geopolitical arena with every new cycle of violence erupting. Although many developed nations with good intelligence services know very well what's going on, most nations are actually unaware it's Britain and the Vatican that set the fire in the first place. Namely, Britain and Rome use such times of crises to reinforce their image in the world as superior powers able to solve even the gravest atrocities of the mankind. Each Sunday mass pope prays for the victims. And so on. Their strategists, like the Salisbury clan, are then called upon in many other areas of the world too, and asked for help and advice (the lord seems to be the Britain's best export produce). Imagine how easy it gets for them to impose her own interests/will worldwide by selling her own interests as - yours. It's a simple game really, no big science involved; in fact, it's made such a shallow game on purpose, precisely so that no one sane would ever believe it to be real. It's also a game that enables Britain to keep Slavic races at bay (see article of 17 September), though this isn't the primary concern of Britain's any longer as she's been a secret geostrategic ally of Russia's without interruption since 1917 at least. This is evident in Bosnia's case too, from the fact that Tito himself had prepared the field for second Yugoslavia to collapse, but also from the recent events - because the so-called animosity between Russia and Britain today is clearly faked since Britain has supported Serbia in 1992 too, i.e., when Russia was extremely weak. Therefore, it cannot be that Britain is now afraid of Serbia when Russia is strong again, either. Then the real reason behind the current crisis isn't the Bosnia-for-Kosovo trade, but the other way around: Kosovo-for-Bosnia, as Britain is trying to move the Orthodox frontier westward from the Drina River for the first time since the fall of the Roman Empire. The reasons why Britain is doing this (for which it has committed genocide provably twice at least) is to create a tighter partnership with Russia for the upcoming actions against China, but also to harm the geostrategic position of her other (beside China) official foe - the Vatican - by letting the Orthodox Church into the Vatican's "back yard". Lastly, there is an old goal of both the Vatican and England's as well: curb out the potentially only sovereign non-Christian tribe of all Europe - the Illyrians!
As you can imagine, given what I showed earlier (on your ignorance being as useful to your enemy as your knowledge is to you), the above story was never told by any history textbook in fmr. Yugoslavia. (And they say conspiracies don't exist - obviously, the only possible conspiracy theory is the one which says that all conspiracies must be - theories!) Also, British history today largely ignores Mr. Salisbury, just like it tries to ignore the game of geostrategy, which is why the Encyclopedia Britannica, despite its century-old tradition, year after year "forgets" to mention GEOSTRATEGY. This happens because Britain benefited from Salisbury's criminal mind and global piracy more than she has ever benefited from anyone or anything else in her entire history - which, by the way, is a history of the world's biggest parasite (geoparasite) that's been selling mirrors and shiny beads to mankind for over one and a half millennium now...
Who would have thought that we (the world) are actually still biting on the same bait over and over again - and from the same bullied morons with top-hats. It's Salisbury's grand grand son lord Wakeham, who in 1992 became Elizabeth's Lord Privy Seal (imperial geostrategist), and came to Sarajevo that same year to set the chess pieces in their position, making sure the blood games could begin...