Exact Proof Je(w)suits Killed 7 US Presidents
& Other Famous People Such as Women Church Deems "Witches" (princess Diana, Indira Gandhi,
Benazir Bhutto, Rosa Luxemburg, Whitney Houston...while
tormenting others like Yulia
(DISCLAIMER: Je(w)suit order is not the
only (most) dangerous geopolitical axis; others too hide
behind Je(w)suits/Church!)

The military order of the Roman-Catholic
Church, the Je(w)suits, follow a most bizarre "occult
numerology", which you can find more about in available
literature. Basically, they imagine that numbers 3, 7, 9, 11 somehow
have some "special powers". As they intrude
into every pore of a society, they leave their trace. Thus
when you want to file for bankruptcy in the US for instance,
the last 3 Chapters in US Code that are written for this
purpose are: 7, 9, 11. Examples are numerous indeed, as they
follow the same model of sheer madness, for planting terror
attacks, starting wars, assassinating successful women
("witches"), democratically elected leaders and monarchs
alike, organizing full-scale genocides, causing catastrophic
earthquakes, jump-starting volcanoes... For you see, to
them, life and death are the same thing.
Not only do they inflict misery upon individuals and entire nations, they also keep the entire mankind in the darkness of ignorance via major media under their control, mega-banks they operate, and even science outlets they edit at will so as to instate what seem like scientific dogmas. For instance, "father of seismology" was a Je(w)suit tasked with misleading the world to the point of inconclusiveness -- so that "Hell below earth might also exist". Similarly, another Je(w)suit created the "Big Bang" theory (and thus cosmology itself), which isn't a scientific theory at all as it never relied on any data -- a giveaway of an amateur who lost his way into sciences. By doing so, they steered cosmology away to the point of inconclusiveness too so that "Heaven above might also exist". They rely heavily on their media like CNN which is headquartered in Atlanta GA, while their think-tank is Georgetown University in Washington DC. They operate by infiltration so pretty much every Catholic minister in a Government acts as an agent of the Vatican instead of the nation that he/she lives in. In news agencies and major "public" media they place devoted editors. For example, their own chief editors have thus christened a hypothetical Higgs's particle into the "God's particle" -- though physicists hate this term (as they should -- as it's another giveaway of an amateur who lost his way into sciences)...
Everyone with minimum knowledge in math or statistics can tell right away that there can be no coincidence in what's revealed below. Narrowly defined groups of individuals or events cannot exhibit preferential numerology naturally: when randomly filled, same-type samples should exhibit both 1/2/4/6/8 and 3/7/9/11 numerology roughly equally (50:50), but they should not lean towards either even or odd sums, and especially not all the time. By extension, various samples (of different types) that concern always the same political interest (that of the Vatican) should not be biased in the above described manner either.
Not only do they inflict misery upon individuals and entire nations, they also keep the entire mankind in the darkness of ignorance via major media under their control, mega-banks they operate, and even science outlets they edit at will so as to instate what seem like scientific dogmas. For instance, "father of seismology" was a Je(w)suit tasked with misleading the world to the point of inconclusiveness -- so that "Hell below earth might also exist". Similarly, another Je(w)suit created the "Big Bang" theory (and thus cosmology itself), which isn't a scientific theory at all as it never relied on any data -- a giveaway of an amateur who lost his way into sciences. By doing so, they steered cosmology away to the point of inconclusiveness too so that "Heaven above might also exist". They rely heavily on their media like CNN which is headquartered in Atlanta GA, while their think-tank is Georgetown University in Washington DC. They operate by infiltration so pretty much every Catholic minister in a Government acts as an agent of the Vatican instead of the nation that he/she lives in. In news agencies and major "public" media they place devoted editors. For example, their own chief editors have thus christened a hypothetical Higgs's particle into the "God's particle" -- though physicists hate this term (as they should -- as it's another giveaway of an amateur who lost his way into sciences)...
Everyone with minimum knowledge in math or statistics can tell right away that there can be no coincidence in what's revealed below. Narrowly defined groups of individuals or events cannot exhibit preferential numerology naturally: when randomly filled, same-type samples should exhibit both 1/2/4/6/8 and 3/7/9/11 numerology roughly equally (50:50), but they should not lean towards either even or odd sums, and especially not all the time. By extension, various samples (of different types) that concern always the same political interest (that of the Vatican) should not be biased in the above described manner either.

Here I reveal the "secret of all secrets" -- the most exclusive proof of how Je(w)suits control our lives and steer history so to maintain Vatican and that funny clown they call pope in charge like the Wizard of Oz in the satirical novel of the same name (arguably the best satire about the pope and his circus since de Cervantes). First of all, let's have a look at how they actually kill the US Presidents: whenever sincere US patriots want to have their nation's foreign policy different from Vatican's interests, Je(w)suits use their quisling position to push for a presidential candidate who fits the above-mentioned weird "occult numerology" (3/7/9/11) 1-on-1, i.e. one who was born on an "occult" date. (This of course doesn't take away from legitimacy of any particular president, since obviously no US president has ever won the election -- they are all picked, either so to fit the "occult" numerology, or not to fit it.) He then dies "suddenly" while in office. The formula: whenever 3 of #President's: b-date, inauguration date, age, or presidency ordering No. are "occult" (i.e. whose figures sum to 3/7/9/11), they kill him -- also on an "occult date"... Of course, high ranked Je(w)suits take care of setting the inauguration date to fall on an "occult date", and then they wait for a year in which the target is of "occult" age.
Thus Je(w)suits killed Abraham Lincoln for his abolishing of slavery. This is actually a court-proven fact, which was also being taught in US schools for decades after his assassination, and then mysteriously expelled from the textbooks. The technique of killing was as follows: he was the 16-th (sum 7) President, and when he reached age 56 (sum 11), they shot him on 4/14/1865 (sum 11). He died on 4/15/1865 (sum 3), at exactly 7:22h (sum 11), so obviously the doctor who pronounced him dead was in on the conspiracy as well.
Vatican has thus murdered all other Presidents that died in office too, not only those that were assassinated before public eyes. This is easily proven as they all do fit the above weird numerology so they must have been shot, stabbed, poisoned or strangled, and that's beyond any doubt. So were murdered: W. Harrison, Taylor (already claimed by many to have been murdered by Je(w)suits), Garfield, McKinley, Harding (also widely speculated to have been murdered), Kennedy. Note that Carter was only one who fit the formula but didn't die -- however it is a known fact that he did survive a 5/5/1979 (sum 9) foiled plot by a group of -- Catholic fanatics. Finally, FDR was the only US President who didn't fit the formula, but has died in office -- of long illness though (his health was so fragile no one expected him to survive his second term). President Obama is destined to fit the formula past 4 Aug this year (his b-day), when he will be 52 (sum 7). Coincidentally, his b-date ads to 11, and his oath date was set such that its figures too add up to an "occult" number (9). Obviously, they intend to slay Obama as a scapegoat -- same as they sacrificed ambassador Stevens to mark 11-th anniversary of their attacks on New York (world-central celebration was taking place in Sarajevo ("black-magic Mecca") as Stevens was being slaughtered).
As mentioned above, the fact that Obama was picked based on his "occult" b-day etc. instead of having been elected in a fair play doesn't take away from his legitimacy as the President of the United States relative to any other president. For obviously no president has ever won the election in a fair play -- as they all just get picked either because they do fit, or because they don't fit the weird numerology -- depending upon the current geostrategic needs of the Vatican in a specific era...
Of course, the "magic" part in the above formula is used only to convince the folk who are supposed to carry out the murders into believing there is something "more than the life itself" in assassinating their own president. To make it easier still, Je(w)suits previously use their media to portray the target as "Satan" himself, thus justifying the murder to the most suspicious of their believers. (For if they simply told them "Hey listen, some guy down at the Vatican wants your president dead" -- no one would probably fall for it.) It's geostrategy of course -- same as France and Germany got their "revolutions" after kicking Je(w)suits, these Catholic terrorists without any doubt have now set their cross-hairs on Obama. It's all laugh to Je(w)suits -- a mere revenge to America for Lincoln's abolishing of slavery... And the Je(w)suits' History channel has already made it "clear" that Obama IS Satan no less... In addition to prepping us for "comeback of ancient aliens", "Jesus resurrecting as we speak", "alien underwater cities" and other BS they are so skillful.
The end-goal of their grand conspiracy to murder US presidents is to "get even with the Yankee" by starting a new civil war in the USA, where Je(w)suits like the sinister Alex Jones & the sneaky Pierce Morgan play "two sides" so to electrify the nation... CNN is Je(w)suits' most useful tool for cooking up new wars and seeding evil globally. For instance, all major anchors at CNN are devote Roman Catholic, such as the infamous war-whore Amanpour... While they use women like her to advance their cause, other famous women who are successful but against Vatican geostrategy of global dominance, get portrayed to the flock as "witches" -- and then executed accordingly and mercilessly, often more brutally than even the medieval burning at the stake...
But Vatican doesn't just kill US presidents in the above described manner. Their weirdo numerology is also used for eliminating Roman oligarchy's geostrategic obstacles including world's democratically elected leaders, monarchs, successful women (marked as "witches" so that criteria for murdering them can be somewhat lowered) and others too especially successful "niggers" for whom the criteria to kill are the lowest. The Vatican also stages terror attacks, starts wars and makes sure that largest atrocities in those wars also occur on "occult" dates, at "occult" time and latitude/longitude, and so on...
For example, Vatican picked Kim Jong-un as the leader of Korea so to start WW3: he is Kim Jong-il's only (and 3rd!) son born on "occult" b-date: 08/01/1983 (sum 3). He then got set up to take over the N.Korea's ruling party on 11/4/2012 (sum 11). Jong-un is presently 30 years old (sum 3) too so Vatican obviously (given the Arab Spring and other ongoing turmoil of mega-global caliber) had planned for WWIII by his birthday next January. Other examples of setting the stage for WWIII (since decade ago), include the current rulers of Turkey. Thus Vatican picked also Recep Tayyip Erdogan to be the 25th (sum 7) Prime Minister, as he too was born on "occult" 26/2/1954 (sum 11). Just like with Kim Jong-un, Erdogan too was also set up to become the leader of his own party on another "occult" date - 14/8/2001 (sum 7). At the same time, Abdullah Gul the current (and 11th!) president of Turkey was also set up to begin his term on 28/8/2007 (sum 9), and, as you might guess by now, was also occult-born: on 29/10/1950 (sum 9)! Obviously, the Vatican is restoring their puppet Ottoman Empire as we speak -- simply, nobody would go to such an extent designing the pieces of evil puzzle by carefully crafting and then framing "leaders" -- decades ahead, unless been dead-serious about it! The Turkey and Korea together, and planned assassination of Obama, prove beyond doubt that WWIII has been planned for within a year.
Serbia has been set up in the same way: Slobodan Milošević was picked by the Vatican as a scapegoat: born 20/8/1941 (sum 7), the 3rd president of Serbia, and who was set up to take last office on 23/7/1997 (sum 11). But Serbia's incumbent president Tomislav Nikolić too is marked by "occult" numerology: born 15/2/1952 (sum 9), is 61 years old (sum 7), so they could be plotting his assassination (on an "occult" date of course) in order to bring the Karadjordjevic dynasty in power (their crown has already been tacitly placed on the flag and emblem of the REPUBLIC of Serbia, and they moved back to the old palace although their last king Peter II abdicated in writing!). This isn't a stretch because Karajorjevichs were brought to power by murders the last time also: killing Serbia's true patriots (after they declared neutrality) -- King and Queen Obrenović (first made hated by people via Vatican-paid media), in 1903. This is even more plausible knowing that Nikolić's party leader, and Serbia's Vice-Prime Minister, the media-overexposed Aleksandar Vučić, was also: born 5/3/1970 (sum 3), took office 27/7/2012 (sum 3) and is 43 years of age (sum 7)... How does Vatican achieve all of the fixing with dates? Simple: via Freemasonry, which was devised by the Je(w)suits so to get rid of the disobedient monarchs, but later on "expanded business" so to target non-Catholic fools picked to be "democratically elected" leaders -- scapegoats for Rome's oligarchy nonetheless.

But the blood-wheel doesn't stop there. Look
at how Vatican killed all the most famous, influential women
of the world that you can think of. (It's such a
characteristic statistical sample -- like no other -- that
it can't be a coincidence). They use a similar formula as
for murdering US presidents, but here threshold is somewhat
lowered compared to male targets -- just as in Mid Ages when
in order to kill a "witch" it was enough that someone
accuses the suspected woman. Then the Inquisition dips the
poor woman into a river, and if she resurfaces it "meant"
she was a witch (so they take her out and burn her at the
stake instead), and if she drowns -- oh well, she was an
angel so they pay respect to her in form of a - decent
funeral... The idea being -- the accused woman must die
anyway, as her actions or very existence stood in the way of
Vatican's geopolitics. So the "criteria" to kill a woman
nowadays is that she: was born on an "occult" date, and is
of an "occult" age. That's it! They can then proceed on to
kill her "legally", but of course, they must do it on an
"occult" date also! Otherwise Satan might get angry. (Or
some similar crap, who would memorize all the idiocy they
believe in).
Je(w)suits thus killed Rosa Luxemburg -- the then-biggest obstacle to creation of Vatican's Nazi Germany: she was born on 3/5/1871 (sum 7), bombed (shredded to oblivion) on 1/15/1919 (sum 9), at age 47 (sum 11). They killed Indira Gandhi who was born on 11/19/1917 (sum 3), gunned down (also to oblivion) on 10/31/1984 (sum 9), at age 66 (sum 3), after which Vatican-ran media accused Brits, trying to shake their main target -- Margaret Thatcher off power. Vatican regarded Thatcher as archenemy, you can see that by the way Catholics savagely celebrated her death in public. Still, Vatican never had guts to have Maggie assassinated, since she was, luckily enough, born on a non-occult date -- so that nerd Cardinals couldn't find a fanatic to kill her for them, save for one known case of a hotel bombing where she was staying. Vatican continues with killings, so they murdered Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto -- as the biggest obstacle to comeback of Vatican's (Bush's) player dictator Musharraf; Bhutto was born on 6/21/1953 (sum 9), shot dead on 12/27/2007 (sum 3), at age 54 (sum 9)...
They don't stop at direct political targets. They even killed the angelic princess Diana, whose "misfortune" was in having been born on 7/1/1961 (sum 7), so Je(w)suits in France staged her car accident on 8/31/1997 (sum 11), at age 36 (sum 9). Political gain from this crime? Vatican-ran media then cold-bloodily accused Queen Elisabeth II of murdering her own daughter-in-law (and mother of Queen's grandson and future king), thus almost ending the British monarchy and empire with single stroke -- pretty brilliant strategy (if you are an avid chess player that is)... Researchers have identified at least one other high-profile murder done by the same means as Diana's -- using so-called Boston Brakes, a microchip that Je(w)suit factions within CIA/MI6 (controlled by the Vatican whenever they put their peon on the top) developed in 1980-ies and which is placed on the vehicle's computer enabling the agents to take over the vehicle (control it) remotely. They used it first in Boston, hence the name. Notably, they used it also to try assassinate Sir Peter Horsley, Equerry to Queen Elizabeth II and prince Charles.
Here is that research which revealed both Diana and a popular Austrian politician Jörg Haider were murdered in the same way (no braking traces, both super-modern vehicles, both "slammed into a concrete block" according to the police reports). Haider was about to become Austria's PM, his "guilt" being that he was born on a "short occult" (day/month) date 1/26 (sum 9), so he also -- died on one such date 10/11 (sum 3), after having started his last office on one such date as well: 4/8 (sum 3). Why "short"? If someone isn't enough of a "which" i.e. born on a truly occult (day/month/year) date, the Inquisition traditionally has to find additional excuses they call "proofs of witchcraft" such as adultery, mother being also a "proven witch" (it would do it if mother too was born on an "occult" date; look below for Yulia Tymoshenko), etc. -- and it was widely alleged that Haider had a male lover in addition to being happily married to a woman. Of course, the real reason why they killed him was because he was tremendously popular, and Vatican won't allow those they can't control to be successful.
They also kill successful "niggers" (Obama's not the only one, mind you!), so Whitney Houston was the next target -- having been a godly adored "nigger" -- and thus a biggest obstacle to Vatican's racial dominance (remember: they killed Lincoln over his abolishing of slavery! Good ol' Romans, eh?). Poor Whitney was also "unfortunate" enough to have been born on 8/9/1963 (sum 9), so they pumped her up with drugs on 2/11/2012 (sum 9), at age 48 (sum 3)... A fresh example of Je(w)suits "burning a witch" was also their assassinating of a great Russian intellectual Anna Politkovskaya -- the biggest obstacle to Vatican's player Putin. Sad for her as she too happened to have been born on an occult date that made her "obviously a witch": 8/30/1958 (sum 7), so their albino killer (can't help but recall Angels & Demons) shot her in cold blood in an elevator, on 10/7/2006 (sum 7), at age 48 (sum 3), etc. Note here that you don't have to be their player intentionally -- they simply move you around the geostrategic chessboard as chess pieces are moved. There is however overwhelming evidence that Putin, the never-lustrated KGB officer, is too the Vatican's peon: for instance, Orthodox nations that joined the EU -- Romania and Bulgaria -- were literally "pushed in" by Russia during Putin's previous term as President, though they never met the basic requirements for EU membership (they still don't and chances are they never will!). However, they are more than a welcome addition as cannon-meat to fascist NATO in the next world war, when conscription will be declared and it's always better, thinks the Vatican, if relatively least Catholics die. Putin is now doing the same trick with Serbia...
There is still time to save a "witch" you all heard about, and who is still alive at the time I reveal these secrets: Yulia Tymoshenko -- one truly remarkable lady that Je(w)suits intend to kill by November this year (her birth-month). Namely, just as with all other awesome women I listed in the above, whose activity and spirits/energy jeopardized sinister enslavement geostrategy of the Vatican's, Ms. Tymoshenko too was accidentally born on an "occult" date: 11/27/1960 (sum 3), currently is 52 (sum 7) years of age, and had become (had been set up to become) Ukraine Prime Minister -- on 12/18/2007 (sum 3)! To make her case even worse before the Benedict's Inquisition (which he is the official head of -- just google it!), the Wikipedia page on Tymoshenko gives us incredibly bizarre information such as her mother's (Lyudmila Telegina) b-day: 8/11/1937 (sum 3), who is thus 75 (sum 3); but also b-days of Tymoshenko's father, husband, daughter... This of course is extremely unusual for any encyclopedia including the infamous Wikipedia notorious for being a den of intelligence services and their rituals. This way of "exposing" witches in a family resembles the Inquisition's ways of demonstrating witchcraft in a bloodline. It is probably the explanation as to why Je(w)suits from legal profession torment this woman so much and for so long -- that is nothing short of medieval methods indeed! At any rate, the jurist maniacs seem to be having fun while being veiled behind the "independence" curtain. Given the extent of pedo scandals within the sect usually referred to as Roman-Catholic Church, this tormenting of virtually all great women of an era that ended up assassinated, seems to be giving enormous pleasure to prosecutors, judges and other jurist scum, thus also most certainly having some sort of debilitating sexual perversion side to it.
Je(w)suits thus killed Rosa Luxemburg -- the then-biggest obstacle to creation of Vatican's Nazi Germany: she was born on 3/5/1871 (sum 7), bombed (shredded to oblivion) on 1/15/1919 (sum 9), at age 47 (sum 11). They killed Indira Gandhi who was born on 11/19/1917 (sum 3), gunned down (also to oblivion) on 10/31/1984 (sum 9), at age 66 (sum 3), after which Vatican-ran media accused Brits, trying to shake their main target -- Margaret Thatcher off power. Vatican regarded Thatcher as archenemy, you can see that by the way Catholics savagely celebrated her death in public. Still, Vatican never had guts to have Maggie assassinated, since she was, luckily enough, born on a non-occult date -- so that nerd Cardinals couldn't find a fanatic to kill her for them, save for one known case of a hotel bombing where she was staying. Vatican continues with killings, so they murdered Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto -- as the biggest obstacle to comeback of Vatican's (Bush's) player dictator Musharraf; Bhutto was born on 6/21/1953 (sum 9), shot dead on 12/27/2007 (sum 3), at age 54 (sum 9)...
They don't stop at direct political targets. They even killed the angelic princess Diana, whose "misfortune" was in having been born on 7/1/1961 (sum 7), so Je(w)suits in France staged her car accident on 8/31/1997 (sum 11), at age 36 (sum 9). Political gain from this crime? Vatican-ran media then cold-bloodily accused Queen Elisabeth II of murdering her own daughter-in-law (and mother of Queen's grandson and future king), thus almost ending the British monarchy and empire with single stroke -- pretty brilliant strategy (if you are an avid chess player that is)... Researchers have identified at least one other high-profile murder done by the same means as Diana's -- using so-called Boston Brakes, a microchip that Je(w)suit factions within CIA/MI6 (controlled by the Vatican whenever they put their peon on the top) developed in 1980-ies and which is placed on the vehicle's computer enabling the agents to take over the vehicle (control it) remotely. They used it first in Boston, hence the name. Notably, they used it also to try assassinate Sir Peter Horsley, Equerry to Queen Elizabeth II and prince Charles.
Here is that research which revealed both Diana and a popular Austrian politician Jörg Haider were murdered in the same way (no braking traces, both super-modern vehicles, both "slammed into a concrete block" according to the police reports). Haider was about to become Austria's PM, his "guilt" being that he was born on a "short occult" (day/month) date 1/26 (sum 9), so he also -- died on one such date 10/11 (sum 3), after having started his last office on one such date as well: 4/8 (sum 3). Why "short"? If someone isn't enough of a "which" i.e. born on a truly occult (day/month/year) date, the Inquisition traditionally has to find additional excuses they call "proofs of witchcraft" such as adultery, mother being also a "proven witch" (it would do it if mother too was born on an "occult" date; look below for Yulia Tymoshenko), etc. -- and it was widely alleged that Haider had a male lover in addition to being happily married to a woman. Of course, the real reason why they killed him was because he was tremendously popular, and Vatican won't allow those they can't control to be successful.
They also kill successful "niggers" (Obama's not the only one, mind you!), so Whitney Houston was the next target -- having been a godly adored "nigger" -- and thus a biggest obstacle to Vatican's racial dominance (remember: they killed Lincoln over his abolishing of slavery! Good ol' Romans, eh?). Poor Whitney was also "unfortunate" enough to have been born on 8/9/1963 (sum 9), so they pumped her up with drugs on 2/11/2012 (sum 9), at age 48 (sum 3)... A fresh example of Je(w)suits "burning a witch" was also their assassinating of a great Russian intellectual Anna Politkovskaya -- the biggest obstacle to Vatican's player Putin. Sad for her as she too happened to have been born on an occult date that made her "obviously a witch": 8/30/1958 (sum 7), so their albino killer (can't help but recall Angels & Demons) shot her in cold blood in an elevator, on 10/7/2006 (sum 7), at age 48 (sum 3), etc. Note here that you don't have to be their player intentionally -- they simply move you around the geostrategic chessboard as chess pieces are moved. There is however overwhelming evidence that Putin, the never-lustrated KGB officer, is too the Vatican's peon: for instance, Orthodox nations that joined the EU -- Romania and Bulgaria -- were literally "pushed in" by Russia during Putin's previous term as President, though they never met the basic requirements for EU membership (they still don't and chances are they never will!). However, they are more than a welcome addition as cannon-meat to fascist NATO in the next world war, when conscription will be declared and it's always better, thinks the Vatican, if relatively least Catholics die. Putin is now doing the same trick with Serbia...
There is still time to save a "witch" you all heard about, and who is still alive at the time I reveal these secrets: Yulia Tymoshenko -- one truly remarkable lady that Je(w)suits intend to kill by November this year (her birth-month). Namely, just as with all other awesome women I listed in the above, whose activity and spirits/energy jeopardized sinister enslavement geostrategy of the Vatican's, Ms. Tymoshenko too was accidentally born on an "occult" date: 11/27/1960 (sum 3), currently is 52 (sum 7) years of age, and had become (had been set up to become) Ukraine Prime Minister -- on 12/18/2007 (sum 3)! To make her case even worse before the Benedict's Inquisition (which he is the official head of -- just google it!), the Wikipedia page on Tymoshenko gives us incredibly bizarre information such as her mother's (Lyudmila Telegina) b-day: 8/11/1937 (sum 3), who is thus 75 (sum 3); but also b-days of Tymoshenko's father, husband, daughter... This of course is extremely unusual for any encyclopedia including the infamous Wikipedia notorious for being a den of intelligence services and their rituals. This way of "exposing" witches in a family resembles the Inquisition's ways of demonstrating witchcraft in a bloodline. It is probably the explanation as to why Je(w)suits from legal profession torment this woman so much and for so long -- that is nothing short of medieval methods indeed! At any rate, the jurist maniacs seem to be having fun while being veiled behind the "independence" curtain. Given the extent of pedo scandals within the sect usually referred to as Roman-Catholic Church, this tormenting of virtually all great women of an era that ended up assassinated, seems to be giving enormous pleasure to prosecutors, judges and other jurist scum, thus also most certainly having some sort of debilitating sexual perversion side to it.

(Click here to see how Je(w)suits broke teeth on two unarmed
Notably, they have similar formula for organizing terrorist plots worldwide. As it turns out, they love cities that start on letter "B" -- in observance of their "god of evil Baphomet". They thus make human sacrifice in so named cities in order to "have their god feast on pure souls". To do that, they cause terror at occult Latitudes and on occult dates. So they organized terror attacks at: Boston 42-21N (sum 9) on 4/15/2013 (sum 7) which was in observance of the Je(w)suit antipope's crowning (occult number of days since); Bugojno (Bosnia police station bombing) 44-03N (sum 11) on 6/27/2010 (sum 9); then the foiled plot to deploy a "dirty (nuclear) bomb" in Berlin 13-23E (sum 9) on 6/26/2011 (sum 9); then a foiled plot to kill 27 (sum 9) EU leaders in Brussels 50-51N (sum 11) on 12/12/2008 (sum 7); then a foiled bomb plot in Belfast 54-36N (sum 9) on 10/25/2002 (sum 3); then the above-mentioned US ambassador's slaying at Benghazi (Libya) 32-07N (sum 3) on 9/11/2012 i.e. 11th anniversary of 9/11/2001 in New York 73-56W (sum 3) where the poor Stevens was also born and had taken his post on "occult" dates; then at Belfast 54-36N (sum 9) on 7/21/1972 (sum 11); then the infamous double-bombing at Birmingham 52-29N (sum 9) on 11/21/1974 (or 11/3/3) at 8:17h (sum 7) & 20:27h (sum 11) where it was reported that 21 (sum 3) people died & 182 (sum 11) were injured (likely assisted by Je(w)suit medics so to "fit the formula completely"); at Birmingham 52-29N (sum 9) on 11/4/2001 (sum 9); then the infamous theater massacre at Moscow 55-44N (sum 9) by trio Basayev-Barayev-Bakar (3xB) where their leader Basayev was born on 1/14/1965 (sum 9) and murdered on 7/10/2006 (sum 7); etc.
Not only that, but they also commit mass atrocities too, so for example NATO had begun its maneuvers near Haiti just before the M7.0 (occult 7!) catastrophic quake of 1/12/2010 (sum 7) took place, with epicenter's Latitude of 18-27N (sum 9), which was at 25 km (sum 7) or 16 (sum 7) miles from the capital, and where 3 million people were affected (officially), while there were 52 (sum 7) aftershocks of magnitude above 4.5 (sum 9) within 12 (sum 3) days since the main quake; etc. Obviously, those who compose official reports also look for these additional signs of the "occult", for some sort of "approval" by their god Satan so that they "know" he's pleased and his tummy all set... quite like in ancient times and Mayan rituals for human sacrifice...
Listening to the above famous speech by JFK just before Je(w)suits killed him (click here for the video if your browser can't display it), religion and not ideology of any kind is the only vehicle for so many people to
be conscripted over generations to do so much evil while
thinking it was the right thing to do. For instance, money
can't buy such a vast and diverse group of people, and keep
them silent over centuries because money is self-consuming
so there would be many individuals and groups unsatisfied
with their payout, who would often and en mass end up
talking publicly about the whole thing. For example, that Je(w)suits have killed JFK is obvious from comparison of his murder
and the Tsarnaev brothers case -- where Tamerlan was a
scapegoat same as Lee Harvey Oswald who also "killed" a
police officer. It's hard to think of a better way to enrage
the local community -- in Boston as in Dallas -- to the
point of making the locals want to lynch the "obvious"
suspect before he could talk, while also not asking too many
questions once he is silenced for ever...
There is no doubt whatsoever that Je(w)suits killed J.F. Kennedy and his brother Robert. The valiant Kennedy's were the mankind's true princes -- truthfully following the definition of noblemen: of the people, by the people, for the people! They were about to step on the Vatican snake's head, thereby advancing human civilization over night for virtually 500 years -- the time humans basically wasted under the Je(w)suit scum ever since the creation of that sinister Order, basically the modern-day Praetorian guard for protecting Rome oligarchy.
There is no doubt whatsoever that Je(w)suits killed J.F. Kennedy and his brother Robert. The valiant Kennedy's were the mankind's true princes -- truthfully following the definition of noblemen: of the people, by the people, for the people! They were about to step on the Vatican snake's head, thereby advancing human civilization over night for virtually 500 years -- the time humans basically wasted under the Je(w)suit scum ever since the creation of that sinister Order, basically the modern-day Praetorian guard for protecting Rome oligarchy.
How else can we tell
its the Je(w)suits? Just look at their (literally their!)
page where their Rome headquarters' precise coordinates are
listed: 41°54′4.9″N, 12°27′38.2″E. Add them figures
up, and you get the sums of 9 and 7,
respectively. Pretty bold freaks!
And how else still can
we tell it's the Je(w)suits
who are behind all this weirdo numerology-turned-license to
kill, and not the English? After the "evil"
Carl Bildt of Sweden (a liberal born on an occult date, no
less) was tasked with establishing the colonial governor's
("OHR") office in Sarajevo, all six subsequent "High
Representatives for Bosnia" (colonial governors):
Petritsch, Ashdown, Schwarz-Schilling, Lajčák, Inzko,
were/are -- Catholics. "Angels", no less,
born on non-occult dates (which Church deems "good" - go figure!). They even walked
an extra mile to bring over colonial governors from
countries that are not mostly Catholic like the UK and
Germany, trying to cover up the obvious... Obviously also,
Queen of England doesn't put all the Catholics in charge of
her colonies, now does she.
Speaking of which, even the "High Representative from England Lord Paddy Ashdown" (Paddy the Horrible, as Je(w)suit media "FTV" dubbed him) is a Catholic/Je(w)suit who played a tough, evil Anglo man -- the same as CNN's Je(w)suit Pierce Morgan portrays a "horrible Englishman" for wider audiences, where Je(w)suit Alex Jones then "rides in to rescue the poor Americans from those horrible, horrible English". So it's a given that Je(w)suits play all sides.
It should me noted here that the Church also deems number 12 as a "holy" number, the one reflecting "perfection" (12 apostles, 12 months in a calendar year, etc.).
Speaking of which, even the "High Representative from England Lord Paddy Ashdown" (Paddy the Horrible, as Je(w)suit media "FTV" dubbed him) is a Catholic/Je(w)suit who played a tough, evil Anglo man -- the same as CNN's Je(w)suit Pierce Morgan portrays a "horrible Englishman" for wider audiences, where Je(w)suit Alex Jones then "rides in to rescue the poor Americans from those horrible, horrible English". So it's a given that Je(w)suits play all sides.
It should me noted here that the Church also deems number 12 as a "holy" number, the one reflecting "perfection" (12 apostles, 12 months in a calendar year, etc.).
Of course, there are (many) more examples of
the Church's easily provable crimes than what's mentioned in
the above. For example, they also announced the "discovery"
(oops) of their wishfully hoped-for "God's particle" via
their own media -- on the eve of an "occult" date, 7/3/2013
(sum 7). Note here that the absolutely greatest human
sacrifices always occur on occult dates: in the Balkans for
instance, they used this trickery to advance their ancient
divide-and-rule tactics to the maximum: thus on 11/9 they
destroyed the architectural jewel Mostar Old Bridge (blamed
on Croats), on 7/11 they arranged for Srebrenica to occur
as well as both Markale marketplace explosions that
prompted NATO bombing of Serbs
(all blamed on Serbs). Globally, they do the same kind of mind
game: on 9/11, they executed their New York WTC attack
(blamed on Muslims), then on 3/11 they conducted the Madrid
train bombings, on 7/7 the London subway bombings, etc. Or,
say, Rwandan genocide was done between, oh what a
"coincidence", between 3rd-7th month of 1994; etc.
Not to mention that the entire Bosnian "war" had lasted for
3 years, 9 months, and 13 days sharp,
where 13 is another "occult" number Je(w)suits like to use to
"conclude" a contract with their god of evil... Not to
mention that the key to unlocking the mystery of 9/11 lays
in looking at what completes the ritual numerologically: a
3rd building which collapsed within the Trade Center
and which "coincidentally" was numbered as bldg #7!
So they have their complete set: 3, 7, 9, 11 - thus
"maximizing" the evil that they imagine they had awaken by
the New York City massacre... They always seem to be leaving
these little clues, just as any sicko murderer gets kicks
out of being chased and of getting caught as well. You
should consider supporting the global Rethink 9/11 campaign
-- exposing papist 3/7/9/11 numerology:
The Srebrenica massacre for example was indeed a genocide,
but one that can be ascribed to the Roman-Catholic Church (the Vatican State),
and not Serbs or Serbia by any stretch of imagination. Namely, the Srebrenica
was simply a premeditated event aimed at enhancing the hatred amongst occupied
Illyrians after the Rome had divided the conquered Illyria into "Serbia",
"Croatia" and "Bosnia" (Catholicism is just a mental continuation of the Roman
Empire -- a new geopolitical "glue" that the Romans cunningly applied after
having realized their Empire was about to collapse). For example, the Church has
been using the same divide-and-rule geotactics in Africa. So they employed their
puppets the Belgians (who now play the "EU" -- new "Holy Roman Empire" v10.0)
had made up "Hutu" and "Tutsi" tribes in Rwanda one century ago so to steal that
country's natural resources (10% world supplies of tantalum - key element for
electronics industry, as it was made obvious by Tesla and others that
electronics was the future). And we saw recently that many Catholic priests
personally enjoyed committing mass murder in Rwanda, and were sentenced for
those crimes against humanity.) Similarly, as they annexed Bosnia in 1908 for
its 0-class forest (matched in quality only by Canadian forests, but those are
frozen 10 months a year!), that same year they split Congo in four so to steal
its diamonds (30% of world supplies) and tantalum (70% of world supplies)...
A clear proof that the Srebrenica was just a part of this, 2000-years long ritualistic devastation of the collective mind of a conquered people, lays in an identical massacre that had taken place in Serbia's town of Kragujevac, back in 1941. Namely, that was also an obvious human-sacrifice ritual by the Vatican freaks, where Je(w)suit Nazis followed the exact same "occult" numerology as they did during the ritual Bosnian "war". So they began the ritual by rounding up Kragujevac's all 70 Jews (sum 7) on 18/10/1941 (sum 7) as "aperitif", went on by arresting all young Serbs above the age 16 (sum 7) as "encore", and then waited for the first next "occult" date to start killing them all: 20/10/1941 (sum 9) -- at 18h sharp (sum 9)! For "desert", Nazi commander of Serbia reported success on 31/10/1941 (sum 11) to his superior in Germany, General Kuntze, who then ordered on 19/3/1942 (sum 11) to "kill at will" – as a reward, where Kuntze is also known for having being freed after the Nuremberg Trials – which is the same, Vatican-type justice as we see now in real-time at the Hague Tribunal for Yugoslavia (as well as Rwanda where many Catholic priests openly took part in committing mass murder, and quite enjoyed doing it!). This altogether shows that 2013 visit to Srebrenica's commemoration by so many Catholics, such as the Bosnia's papists governor Inzko or the "US" (Vatican's) envoy Moon, or for instance Croatia's and other bikers (wow!) etc., was just another ritual for enjoyment in the evil they can apparently smell in Srebrenica's air even today.
Another staggering proof of papists' sicko numerology is the so-called Sarajevo Film Festival (SFF) - one of the most bizarre occult Je(w)suit gatherings in the world. Why? SFF has main prizes always of "occult" sums - for best film, actor/actress, short film, and documentary. For example last year, those prizes were: EUR 16,000 (7), 2500 (7), 2500 (7), 2500 (7), and 3000 (3), respectively, while artistic selection covered a total of 210 (3) films from 57 (3) countries in 21 (3) programs! But the most obvious evidence of SFF being anything else but a gathering of artists is in its numerology since the beginning in war-wrapped Sarajevo. So from 1996-2003, SFF closed always on occult dates: 18/9/1996 (sum 7), 10/9/1997 (9), 30/8/1998 (11), 29/8/1999 (11), 26/8/2000 (9), 25/8/2001 (9), 24/8/2002 (9), 23/8/2003 (7). But then they switched to occult opening dates from 2004-2007: 20/8/2004 (7), 19/8/2005 (7), 18/8/2006 (7), 17/8/2007 (7). Then they switched again, this time to occult sums of opening & closing dates 2008-2011: 15/8/2008-23/8/2008 (sum of sums: 6+5=11), 12/8/2009-20/8/2009 (4+3=7), 23/7/2010-31/7/2010 (6+5=11), 22/7/2011-30/7/2011 (6+5=11). Then they switched last year again to an occult opening date 6/7/2012 (9), only to switch this year in a grave hurry (breaking the regularity for the first time in almost two decades since this ritual exists!) to occult both the opening and closing date: 16/8/2013 (3) - 24/8/2013 (11) of different sums so they could be plotting some mass human-sacrifice for that time around, especially since their ploy of ritual mass-murder of Bosnian MPs in a whole-night hostage situation on 06/06/2013 (of "satanic" sums 6/6/6) has failed after PM ran away (he too was born and sworn in on occult dates, and is on record for stating the press afterwards that he was the main target for murder that night). But the SFF already had its Harlequin sacrifice, akin to murdering of James Gandolfini born 18/9 (9) and killed 19/6 (7) as the world's most famous mocker of evil (and as such a perfect desert for Je(w)suits' god satan), and Cory Monteith born 11/5 (7) and killed 13/7 (11),where the poor young man's added "sin" in Vatican's preparing for WW (blood offerings to satan) was his - height: 6'3" (9) or 1.91 m (11)! They seem to have sped up randomly killing actors whom they deem satan's favorite food. Namely, Katrin Cartlidge born 15/5 (sum 11) and dies 7/9 (7) was obviously a victim of another Harlequin sacrifice ritual so that SFF could have a dedication to a "witch" (and thus add to its significance in the demented papist minds). Poor Katrin has died officially "of flu" (which she thus contracted in August!?), exactly 14 days past the 8th SFF, or right after incubation of a deadly (military-grade?) virus! As you can see, SFF is not a festival of art by any stretch of imagination, but an utterly maniacal ritual for marking of a "war" (grand human slaughter, in fact) that lasted 3 yr, 9 mo, 13 days -- sharp. Needless to remind you, but the massacre such as the one that was foiled on 06/06/2013 (6/6/6) or the one likely planned during SFF, is nothing new for Bosnia: other papists like Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund, or Ottoman occupation administrator Husrev, are known for periodically and ritually slaughtering (witchcraft orgies with cut-up body parts according to German historians) the country's political top, at Dobor in 1394 and 1408, then in Sarajevo in 1500, and all through the modern day as we can see above.
Anyone who knows a bit of math and statistics sees readily that there is no coincidence here. Simply put, it is always the same type (by some/any measure) of atrocities that occur always according to a same formula, 1-on-1. For instance, why not on dates whose digits add up to 1/4/6/8? Or, why not at a latitude, or time, or age, whose digits add up to 1/4/6/8?
The only remaining question is: what to do against this sort of systemic evil that knows no borders, has no respect for human life or brilliance of human mind/talent? Well, listening to the very source of evil - Je(w)suits themselves - life and death are all the same to them to begin with. So why let them live then? If Aliens invaded the Earth and did the same what Je(w)suits have been doing for centuries, isn’t a total, no-captives war what we would do, no questions asked?
Since the Je(w)suit/Masonic/Illuminati kooks were busted with the above text, they expanded the "occult" numerology of sums 3/7/9/11/13 to #17 - by downing the Flight MH-17 over Ukraine & by scapegoating famous actor (they love to kill actors) Robin Williams (born 21.7.1951, sum 17 - murdered 11.8.2014, sum 17) so to make "the full circle" since sum-17 is the Ancient Rome's human-sacrifice numerology: the killings of Caesar (Ides of March - 15.3.44 BCE, sum 17), Cicero (7.12.43 BCE, sum 17), etc. - proving calendar itself was forged back in Rome with the killing of Caesar, not "centuries after Jesus" as the official version goes. So Jesus is a fictional character, and Caesar is the "god" which Church worships - the historian Carotta was correct all along.
And because Je(w)suit/Illuminati peons at Malaysia Airlines changed designation of flight MH-17 to 19 (the next prime number), they expanded the numerology of murders to number 19 as well, that is in addition to 17. That the latter expansion too has occurred is clear because it's impossible for picking of next prime number (from thousands of options) to be just a coincidence, especially since we now know that Robin Williams's death was so blatantly marked by the occult numerology of number 17 as they expanded their murder system to that numerology first.
It is quite obvious that the so-called ISIS terrorist group is just a continuation of previous Je(w)suit creations Al Qaeda, IRA etc. These are created serially by CIA/NSA in the Je(w)suits' good v. evil global blood-show designed so to cover up the empire's true intentions - primarily looting of world's resources. Thus ISIS itself is named after Isis, the ancient goddess-mother of god Horus who was the pretext for the fairytale of Jesus as Carotta identified it.
After extending their occult numerology to 17 and 19 via ritually murdering Robin Williams, the occultists (Je(w)suits and their creations including Freemasonry) organized another bloodshed ritual: blowing up a Bosnia's mine-shaft at Raspotočje mine near royal town of Zenica. It was one of the most bizarre human-sacrifice rituals. Once again, it was synced with a pair of colonial soccer team's games, which, as mentioned above, was also the case with ritual murders of Robin Williams, US ambassador Stevens, attempted assassinations of Bosnian political elite in 2013, etc. This time around however, the occult numerology was as follows: 29 (sum 11) miners survived in the 34-large (7) shift on the day of "BiH"-Lichtenstein soccer match that began at 17h and ended with score 3:0 (sum 3). That was 5 days (5 is also the number of murdered miners) ahead of the second game in that bloody pair: the Euro 2016 qualifier between "BiH" and Cyprus that took place on a "Black Tue" 9.9.2014 (sum 7) at 20:45 (sum 11). Of course, the latter game too ended with an occult score: 2:1 (sum 3). This means that these deranged killers extended their occult numerology to number 5 and, given a method of ancient numerology for "enlarging powers" of a "weak occult number" (such as 5) when multiplied with another occult number, to number 15 as well (as the product of: 3 x 5). In order to "increase powers" further still, the freaks then extended targeted victims also - from poor miners (supposedly, "gods of evil" are very pleased with blood of the innocent!) to - children, since as you might have guessed by now, "gods of evil" supposedly go "absolutely ecstatic" when fed blood of the most innocent!
Je(w)suit Francis visited Church's Turkey buffs (including Erdogan & Co.) on BS-ritual dates 28-30 November 2014. Those dates are "coincidentally" of sums: 10 ("good"), 11 ("via evil"), 12 ("to perfection"). Thus means Romans do what Romans do best - for 3k yrs or so: use lavish tricks and empty promises. Simply, Romans' word and Romans' sword historically always go in opposite directions! You have to be a genuine moron to believe that Eastern and Western Churches are going to unite, after 1000+ years, exactly now - so that you can witness it.Obviously, human sacrifice like that of ambassador Stevens (scroll above for details), are possible by Je(w)suits/sects to celebrate the above Turkey ritual by Ratzinger's smiley-mask Francis. As usual, such sacrificing would probably be used for justifying (to themselves and their flock) their crimes and looting they commit for millennia. Those atrocities include, for instance, robbing Omerbashich of his scientific discovery: expressing gravity g via speed of light c.
That is the biggest fundamental scientific discovery in history since Galileo and Newton, and the Church traditionally suppresses fundamental discoveries concerning gravity. Just like cosmology that could debunk "heavens above" or seismology that could debunk "hell below", Church is freaked out at the possibility of fundamental gravity discoveries disproving the floating "Holy Spirit" and little butterflies aka "angels".
A clear proof that the Srebrenica was just a part of this, 2000-years long ritualistic devastation of the collective mind of a conquered people, lays in an identical massacre that had taken place in Serbia's town of Kragujevac, back in 1941. Namely, that was also an obvious human-sacrifice ritual by the Vatican freaks, where Je(w)suit Nazis followed the exact same "occult" numerology as they did during the ritual Bosnian "war". So they began the ritual by rounding up Kragujevac's all 70 Jews (sum 7) on 18/10/1941 (sum 7) as "aperitif", went on by arresting all young Serbs above the age 16 (sum 7) as "encore", and then waited for the first next "occult" date to start killing them all: 20/10/1941 (sum 9) -- at 18h sharp (sum 9)! For "desert", Nazi commander of Serbia reported success on 31/10/1941 (sum 11) to his superior in Germany, General Kuntze, who then ordered on 19/3/1942 (sum 11) to "kill at will" – as a reward, where Kuntze is also known for having being freed after the Nuremberg Trials – which is the same, Vatican-type justice as we see now in real-time at the Hague Tribunal for Yugoslavia (as well as Rwanda where many Catholic priests openly took part in committing mass murder, and quite enjoyed doing it!). This altogether shows that 2013 visit to Srebrenica's commemoration by so many Catholics, such as the Bosnia's papists governor Inzko or the "US" (Vatican's) envoy Moon, or for instance Croatia's and other bikers (wow!) etc., was just another ritual for enjoyment in the evil they can apparently smell in Srebrenica's air even today.
Another staggering proof of papists' sicko numerology is the so-called Sarajevo Film Festival (SFF) - one of the most bizarre occult Je(w)suit gatherings in the world. Why? SFF has main prizes always of "occult" sums - for best film, actor/actress, short film, and documentary. For example last year, those prizes were: EUR 16,000 (7), 2500 (7), 2500 (7), 2500 (7), and 3000 (3), respectively, while artistic selection covered a total of 210 (3) films from 57 (3) countries in 21 (3) programs! But the most obvious evidence of SFF being anything else but a gathering of artists is in its numerology since the beginning in war-wrapped Sarajevo. So from 1996-2003, SFF closed always on occult dates: 18/9/1996 (sum 7), 10/9/1997 (9), 30/8/1998 (11), 29/8/1999 (11), 26/8/2000 (9), 25/8/2001 (9), 24/8/2002 (9), 23/8/2003 (7). But then they switched to occult opening dates from 2004-2007: 20/8/2004 (7), 19/8/2005 (7), 18/8/2006 (7), 17/8/2007 (7). Then they switched again, this time to occult sums of opening & closing dates 2008-2011: 15/8/2008-23/8/2008 (sum of sums: 6+5=11), 12/8/2009-20/8/2009 (4+3=7), 23/7/2010-31/7/2010 (6+5=11), 22/7/2011-30/7/2011 (6+5=11). Then they switched last year again to an occult opening date 6/7/2012 (9), only to switch this year in a grave hurry (breaking the regularity for the first time in almost two decades since this ritual exists!) to occult both the opening and closing date: 16/8/2013 (3) - 24/8/2013 (11) of different sums so they could be plotting some mass human-sacrifice for that time around, especially since their ploy of ritual mass-murder of Bosnian MPs in a whole-night hostage situation on 06/06/2013 (of "satanic" sums 6/6/6) has failed after PM ran away (he too was born and sworn in on occult dates, and is on record for stating the press afterwards that he was the main target for murder that night). But the SFF already had its Harlequin sacrifice, akin to murdering of James Gandolfini born 18/9 (9) and killed 19/6 (7) as the world's most famous mocker of evil (and as such a perfect desert for Je(w)suits' god satan), and Cory Monteith born 11/5 (7) and killed 13/7 (11),where the poor young man's added "sin" in Vatican's preparing for WW (blood offerings to satan) was his - height: 6'3" (9) or 1.91 m (11)! They seem to have sped up randomly killing actors whom they deem satan's favorite food. Namely, Katrin Cartlidge born 15/5 (sum 11) and dies 7/9 (7) was obviously a victim of another Harlequin sacrifice ritual so that SFF could have a dedication to a "witch" (and thus add to its significance in the demented papist minds). Poor Katrin has died officially "of flu" (which she thus contracted in August!?), exactly 14 days past the 8th SFF, or right after incubation of a deadly (military-grade?) virus! As you can see, SFF is not a festival of art by any stretch of imagination, but an utterly maniacal ritual for marking of a "war" (grand human slaughter, in fact) that lasted 3 yr, 9 mo, 13 days -- sharp. Needless to remind you, but the massacre such as the one that was foiled on 06/06/2013 (6/6/6) or the one likely planned during SFF, is nothing new for Bosnia: other papists like Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund, or Ottoman occupation administrator Husrev, are known for periodically and ritually slaughtering (witchcraft orgies with cut-up body parts according to German historians) the country's political top, at Dobor in 1394 and 1408, then in Sarajevo in 1500, and all through the modern day as we can see above.
Another example and a clear proof is the
death of President Boris Trajkovski of Macedonia:
born 25/6/1956 (7), he died in a plane crash over
Bosnia on 26/2/2004 (7), age 47 (11)...
Needles to say, eyewitnesses exist who testified that his
Government's plane was shot down with a missile, and that
survivors were executed on spot by French (Je(w)suit) NATO
ground troops. Macedonia and family have never bought the
official Bosnian police/judiciary (completely ran by
Je(w)suits) story of "just an accident", so several
investigations have been conducted and then reopened...
In an attempt to mimic this obvious assassination, Je(w)suits
invited 7 Bosnian top political leaders to Brussels
on "talks". That this was an attempt at mass assassination
(another weirdo ritual of human sacrifice) is obvious also
from the "occult" numerology that marked the event and those
involved: the meeting was scheduled for 22/3/2013 (short sum
7) or 9 days since election and 3 days since
inauguration of the new "pope". The host was an individual
by name "Sannino" - an Italian Je(w)suit who delivered the
invitations personally, during his visit to Sarajevo which
took place between 25/2 (9) - 27/2 (11). This
means the whole ordeal was a ritual which started with
summing the lambs to approach the wolf. This intelligence
official is the only high-ranking EU official that has no
page on English Wikipedia at the time of the "meeting". His
name is most likely a pseudonym, because Sannino is
actually an anagram in Spanish for “Holy boy” (Santo Nino de
Cebu) or the most adored of them angels – the most important
statue Catholicism, brought in XVI century by Magellan as a
gift to the ruler of the Philippines. The statues was, what
a coincidence, made in Brussels. This puts the phantom
“Sannino” amongst highest ranking agents of Vatican 2 in
Brussels and probably in the World as well. Needles to
say again, the slaughter was supposed to be "celebrated by
the crowds" (swept under the rug) that same night, at the
Bosnia-Herzegovina (papist colony) soccer team's World Cup
qualifier match scheduled to take place that same night and
at an occult time. Recall that US ambassador Stevens was
also slaughtered in Libya as a scapegoat to mark the
Sarajevo gathering of religious leaders, and
Bosnia-Herzegovina team was also playing that same occult
night... - See more at: http://secret.theroyalsociety.eu/#sthash.IDgUJgra.dpuf
Another example and a clear proof is the
death of President Boris Trajkovski of Macedonia:
born 25/6/1956 (7), he died in a plane crash over
Bosnia on 26/2/2004 (7), age 47 (11)...
Needles to say, eyewitnesses exist who testified that his
Government's plane was shot down with a missile, and that
survivors were executed on spot by French (Je(w)suit) NATO
ground troops. Macedonia and family have never bought the
official Bosnian police/judiciary (completely ran by
Je(w)suits) story of "just an accident", so several
investigations have been conducted and then reopened...
In an attempt to mimic this obvious assassination, Je(w)suits
invited 7 Bosnian top political leaders to Brussels
on "talks". That this was an attempt at mass assassination
(another weirdo ritual of human sacrifice) is obvious also
from the "occult" numerology that marked the event and those
involved: the meeting was scheduled for 22/3/2013 (short sum
7) or 9 days since election and 3 days since
inauguration of the new "pope". The host was an individual
by name "Sannino" - an Italian Je(w)suit who delivered the
invitations personally, during his visit to Sarajevo which
took place between 25/2 (9) - 27/2 (11). This
means the whole ordeal was a ritual which started with
summing the lambs to approach the wolf. This intelligence
official is the only high-ranking EU official that has no
page on English Wikipedia at the time of the "meeting". His
name is most likely a pseudonym, because Sannino is
actually an anagram in Spanish for “Holy boy” (Santo Nino de
Cebu) or the most adored of them angels – the most important
statue Catholicism, brought in XVI century by Magellan as a
gift to the ruler of the Philippines. The statues was, what
a coincidence, made in Brussels. This puts the phantom
“Sannino” amongst highest ranking agents of Vatican 2 in
Brussels and probably in the World as well. Needles to
say again, the slaughter was supposed to be "celebrated by
the crowds" (swept under the rug) that same night, at the
Bosnia-Herzegovina (papist colony) soccer team's World Cup
qualifier match scheduled to take place that same night and
at an occult time. Recall that US ambassador Stevens was
also slaughtered in Libya as a scapegoat to mark the
Sarajevo gathering of religious leaders, and
Bosnia-Herzegovina team was also playing that same occult
night... - See more at: http://secret.theroyalsociety.eu/#sthash.IDgUJgra.dpuf
Another example and a clear proof is the death of President Boris Trajkovski of Macedonia: born 25/6/1956 (7), he died in a plane crash over Bosnia on 26/2/2004 (7), age 47 (11)... Needles to say, eyewitnesses exist who testified that his Government's plane was shot down with a missile, and that survivors were executed on spot by French (Je(w)suit) NATO ground troops. Macedonia and family have never bought the official Bosnian police/judiciary (completely ran by Je(w)suits) story of "just an accident", so several investigations have been conducted and then reopened... In an attempt to mimic this obvious assassination, Je(w)suits invited 7 Bosnian top political leaders to Brussels on "talks". That this was an attempt at mass assassination (another weirdo ritual of human sacrifice) is obvious also from the "occult" numerology that marked the event and those involved: the meeting was scheduled for 22/3/2013 (short sum 7) or 9 days since election and 3 days since inauguration of the new "pope". The host was an individual by name "Sannino" - an Italian Je(w)suit who delivered the invitations personally, during his visit to Sarajevo which took place between 25/2 (9) - 27/2 (11). This means the whole ordeal was a ritual which started with summing the lambs to approach the wolf. This intelligence official is the only high-ranking EU official that has no page on English Wikipedia at the time of the "meeting". His name is most likely a pseudonym, because Sannino is actually an anagram in Spanish for “Holy boy” (Santo Nino de Cebu) or the most adored of them angels – the most important statue Catholicism, brought in XVI century by Magellan as a gift to the ruler of the Philippines. The statues was, what a coincidence, made in Brussels. This puts the phantom “Sannino” amongst highest ranking agents of Vatican 2 in Brussels and probably in the World as well. Needles to say again, the slaughter was supposed to be "celebrated by the crowds" (swept under the rug) that same night, at the Bosnia-Herzegovina (papist colony) soccer team's World Cup qualifier match scheduled to take place that same night and at an occult time. Recall that US ambassador Stevens was also slaughtered in Libya as a scapegoat to mark the Sarajevo gathering of religious leaders, and Bosnia-Herzegovina team was also playing that same occult night... Anyone who knows a bit of math and statistics sees readily that there is no coincidence here. Simply put, it is always the same type (by some/any measure) of atrocities that occur always according to a same formula, 1-on-1. For instance, why not on dates whose digits add up to 1/4/6/8? Or, why not at a latitude, or time, or age, whose digits add up to 1/4/6/8?
The only remaining question is: what to do against this sort of systemic evil that knows no borders, has no respect for human life or brilliance of human mind/talent? Well, listening to the very source of evil - Je(w)suits themselves - life and death are all the same to them to begin with. So why let them live then? If Aliens invaded the Earth and did the same what Je(w)suits have been doing for centuries, isn’t a total, no-captives war what we would do, no questions asked?
UPDATE Aug-Sep 2014 - extending occult numerology of kill-rituals to 5, 15, 17, 19
Since the Je(w)suit/Masonic/Illuminati kooks were busted with the above text, they expanded the "occult" numerology of sums 3/7/9/11/13 to #17 - by downing the Flight MH-17 over Ukraine & by scapegoating famous actor (they love to kill actors) Robin Williams (born 21.7.1951, sum 17 - murdered 11.8.2014, sum 17) so to make "the full circle" since sum-17 is the Ancient Rome's human-sacrifice numerology: the killings of Caesar (Ides of March - 15.3.44 BCE, sum 17), Cicero (7.12.43 BCE, sum 17), etc. - proving calendar itself was forged back in Rome with the killing of Caesar, not "centuries after Jesus" as the official version goes. So Jesus is a fictional character, and Caesar is the "god" which Church worships - the historian Carotta was correct all along.
And because Je(w)suit/Illuminati peons at Malaysia Airlines changed designation of flight MH-17 to 19 (the next prime number), they expanded the numerology of murders to number 19 as well, that is in addition to 17. That the latter expansion too has occurred is clear because it's impossible for picking of next prime number (from thousands of options) to be just a coincidence, especially since we now know that Robin Williams's death was so blatantly marked by the occult numerology of number 17 as they expanded their murder system to that numerology first.
It is quite obvious that the so-called ISIS terrorist group is just a continuation of previous Je(w)suit creations Al Qaeda, IRA etc. These are created serially by CIA/NSA in the Je(w)suits' good v. evil global blood-show designed so to cover up the empire's true intentions - primarily looting of world's resources. Thus ISIS itself is named after Isis, the ancient goddess-mother of god Horus who was the pretext for the fairytale of Jesus as Carotta identified it.
After extending their occult numerology to 17 and 19 via ritually murdering Robin Williams, the occultists (Je(w)suits and their creations including Freemasonry) organized another bloodshed ritual: blowing up a Bosnia's mine-shaft at Raspotočje mine near royal town of Zenica. It was one of the most bizarre human-sacrifice rituals. Once again, it was synced with a pair of colonial soccer team's games, which, as mentioned above, was also the case with ritual murders of Robin Williams, US ambassador Stevens, attempted assassinations of Bosnian political elite in 2013, etc. This time around however, the occult numerology was as follows: 29 (sum 11) miners survived in the 34-large (7) shift on the day of "BiH"-Lichtenstein soccer match that began at 17h and ended with score 3:0 (sum 3). That was 5 days (5 is also the number of murdered miners) ahead of the second game in that bloody pair: the Euro 2016 qualifier between "BiH" and Cyprus that took place on a "Black Tue" 9.9.2014 (sum 7) at 20:45 (sum 11). Of course, the latter game too ended with an occult score: 2:1 (sum 3). This means that these deranged killers extended their occult numerology to number 5 and, given a method of ancient numerology for "enlarging powers" of a "weak occult number" (such as 5) when multiplied with another occult number, to number 15 as well (as the product of: 3 x 5). In order to "increase powers" further still, the freaks then extended targeted victims also - from poor miners (supposedly, "gods of evil" are very pleased with blood of the innocent!) to - children, since as you might have guessed by now, "gods of evil" supposedly go "absolutely ecstatic" when fed blood of the most innocent!
UPDATE Nov 2014 - justifying (and thus admitting) their evildoing
Je(w)suit Francis visited Church's Turkey buffs (including Erdogan & Co.) on BS-ritual dates 28-30 November 2014. Those dates are "coincidentally" of sums: 10 ("good"), 11 ("via evil"), 12 ("to perfection"). Thus means Romans do what Romans do best - for 3k yrs or so: use lavish tricks and empty promises. Simply, Romans' word and Romans' sword historically always go in opposite directions! You have to be a genuine moron to believe that Eastern and Western Churches are going to unite, after 1000+ years, exactly now - so that you can witness it.Obviously, human sacrifice like that of ambassador Stevens (scroll above for details), are possible by Je(w)suits/sects to celebrate the above Turkey ritual by Ratzinger's smiley-mask Francis. As usual, such sacrificing would probably be used for justifying (to themselves and their flock) their crimes and looting they commit for millennia. Those atrocities include, for instance, robbing Omerbashich of his scientific discovery: expressing gravity g via speed of light c.
That is the biggest fundamental scientific discovery in history since Galileo and Newton, and the Church traditionally suppresses fundamental discoveries concerning gravity. Just like cosmology that could debunk "heavens above" or seismology that could debunk "hell below", Church is freaked out at the possibility of fundamental gravity discoveries disproving the floating "Holy Spirit" and little butterflies aka "angels".
(DISCLAIMER: Je(w)suit order is not the
only (most) dangerous geopolitical axis; others too hide
behind Je(w)suits/Church!)

Quotes on the Je(w)suits
"My history of the Je(w)suits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities, [and] is very particular and very horrible. Their [the Je(w)suit Order’s] restoration [in 1814 by Pope Pius VII] is indeed a step toward darkness, cruelty, despotism, [and] death. … I do not like the appearance of the Je(w)suits. If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of [Ignatius de] Loyola."
John Adams (1735-1826; 2nd President of the United States)
"The Je(w)suits…are a secret society – a sort of Masonic order – with superadded features of revolting odiousness, and a thousand times more dangerous."
Samuel Morse (1791-1872; American inventor of the telegraph; author of the book Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States)
"I have learnt most of all from the Je(w)suit Order. So far, there has been nothing more imposing on earth than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church. A good part of that organization I have transported direct to my own party. The Catholic Church must be held up as an example. I will tell you a secret. I am founding an order. In Himmler (who would become head of the Nazi party) I see our Ignatius de Loyola (Je(w)suit founder)."
Adolf Hitler
"The Je(w)suits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Je(w)suitism is the most absolute of despotisms – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses."
Napoleon I (i.e., Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1821; emperor of the French)
"It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Je(w)suit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe."
Marquis de LaFayette (1757-1834; French statesman and general. He served in the American Continental Army under the command of General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War.)
“Alas, I knew they [i.e., the Je(w)suits] would poison me; but I did not expect to die in so slow and cruel a manner.” (1774)
Pope Clement XIV (Who had “forever” abolished the Je(w)suit Order in 1773)
"The war [i.e., the American Civil War of 1861-1865] would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Je(w)suits."
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865; 16th President of the United States)
Launched by Ignatius Loyola in the 16th century to wage war against the Reformation, the Society of Jesus rapidly spread to every corner of the globe. The Je(w)suits insinuated themselves into the affairs of governments and churches, eventually earning expulsion from almost every nation in this world, including the Vatican itself!
Comprehensive list of quotes from various authors and speakers
"The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Je(w)suits in the starting of the two world wars – a situation which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and its Je(w)suits, giving them power in so many spheres, especially since the last conflict."
- Edmond Paris (Author of the book The Secret History of the Je(w)suits)
“…The Roman Inquisition…had been administered since 1542 by the Je(w)suits.”
- F. Tupper Saussy (Author of the book Rulers of Evil)
“It is impossible to read Elizabethan history [i.e., the history surrounding Queen Elizabeth I of England; queen: 1558-1603] except in the context of an army of Je(w)suits, masters of deceit, treachery, treason, infiltration, subversion, assassination, insurrection, civil war and coercion, plotting for the good of the papacy, and the defeat of all the Pope’s foes anywhere in the world.” (1987)
- J.E.C. Shepherd (Canadian historian)
"Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Je(w)suit Order] was expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Je(w)suit priest of repute [Thomas J. Campbell]. …Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection." (1987)
- J.E.C. Shepherd (Canadian historian)
(7) “The [German General Reinhard] Gehlen Org, the German Intelligence Agency run by [Knight of Malta] Reinhard Gehlen, was even more powerful than the Merk net. The Org superseded even the Nazi SS… In fact, Gehlen’s organization is largely credited for giving rise to the CIA…to shield Gehlen and the entire German Intelligence network from harm’s way. Gehlen was a ranking official in the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM), which maintained inconceivable financial support and political influence… Somehow I wasn’t surprised to learn that financial motives…were at the heart of the SMOM and the Nazi-American alliance… Soon after the war, OSS [i.e., Office of Strategic Services – the forerunner to the CIA] found the extensive documentation of a meeting...between representatives of the [Nazi] SS…and firms like…I.G. Farben… [The] world’s masses knew nothing about the partnership, formed between John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company, Germany’s I.G. Farben, and Hitler’s Third Reich. The ‘pirates of Wall Street’, Allen and John Foster Dulles, of the law firm Sullivan & Cromwell, had secretly negotiated the alliance. It was not known to allied airmen, flying bombing missions over Germany, why the I.G. Farben plants, where Hitler’s munitions were made, were exempted from attack. Likewise, when the I.G. Farben – Rockefeller Consortium used concentration camp victims as slaves to build and run their factories it never made the news… Nor was it heralded that this same TEAM patented and sold the gas that the Nazis used in the concentration camps to send millions to their graves. Recent headlines have asked to know where the Nazi gold went. Historians only recently recorded that the Rockefeller’s Chase Bank [manned by a high Knight of Malta, Joseph J. Larkin] was among the largest recipients…”
- Dr. Leonard Horowitz (Author of the book Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola)
“[Wherever] a totalitarian movement erupts, whether Communist or Nazi [Fascist], a Je(w)suit can be found in the role of ‘adviser’ or leader; in Cuba [it was] [Je(w)suit-trained] Castro’s ‘Father’ Armando Llorente…”
- Emanuel M. Josephson (American physician and historian)
"[The Je(w)suits] are the deadly enemies of civil and religious liberty."
- R. W. Thompson (Ex-Secretary, American Navy)
“The principles of socialism or communism…governed all the [Je(w)suit-run] Reductions [in Paraguay].”
- R. W. Thompson, Ex-Secretary, American Navy
“The whole frightful responsibility for this terrible Thirty Years’ War [1618-1648] must rest upon the [Holy Roman] Emperor Ferdinand II, and his teachers, rulers, and bosom friends – the Sons of Loyola [i.e., the Je(w)suit Order].”
- Theodor Griesinger (German historian; 1873)
“The Je(w)suit Order at last reached the pinnacle of its power and prestige in the early eighteenth century [i.e., the early 1700s]. It had become more influential and more wealthy than any other organization in the world. It held a position in world affairs that no oath-bound group of men has ever held before or since… ‘Nearly all the Kings and Sovereigns of Europe had only Je(w)suits as directors of their consciences [i.e., as confessor-priests], so that the whole of Europe appeared to be governed by Je(w)suits only.’” (1927; using a short quote by Je(w)suit Cordara)
- Boyd Barrett (Ex-Je(w)suit)
“If you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Superior General of the Je(w)suit Order] are one and the same person.”
- James Parton (American historian)
“In Roman Catholic circles it is well known that the Black Pope is the term used for the [Superior] General of the Je(w)suits. As the Pope is always robed in white, and the [Je(w)suit Superior] General in black, the contrast is obvious. But those Romanists who do not greatly love the Je(w)suits, and their number is not limited, use the term as indicating that the Black Pope rules the White Pope…even while the former [i.e., the Black Pope] is obligated to make, at least, a show of submission to the latter.” (1896)
- M.F. Cusack (Ex-nun of Kenmore; author of the book The Black Pope)
“…The Je(w)suits are the only religious order in the Church of Rome…which has lain under the ban of the [‘White’] Pope, or which has been expelled from any country because of its interference in politics. Hence we may expect to find that to obtain political power forms a main feature in the plans of the Society [of Jesus – i.e., the Je(w)suit Order].” (1896)
- M.F. Cusack
“All these things cause the Father-General [of the Je(w)suits] to be feared by the Pope and sovereigns… A sovereign who is not their [the Je(w)suits’] friend will sooner or later experience their vengeance.” (1852)
- Luigi Desanctis (Official Censor of the Inquisition)
“The Society of Jesus [i.e., the Je(w)suit Order] is the enemy of man. The whole human race should unite for its overthrow. …For there is no alternative between its total extirpation, and the absolute corruption and degradation of mankind.”
- Robert J. Breckinridge (author)
“The Je(w)suits…are simply the Romish army for the earthly sovereignty of the world in the future, with the Pontiff of Rome for emperor…that’s their ideal. …It is simple lust of power, of filthy earthly gain, of domination – something like a universal serfdom with them [i.e., the Je(w)suits] as masters – that’s all they stand for. They don’t even believe in God perhaps.”
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881; famous Russian novelist)
"I [Roman Catholic Bishop Palafox] found almost all the wealth…and all the treasures of the Province of America in the hands of the Je(w)suits…
((Ed. Comment: I assume the Bishop is talking specifically about SOUTH America.))
All this property and all these considerable revenues which might make a sovereign powerful, serve no other purpose than to maintain ten [Je(w)suit] colleges… To this may be added the extraordinary skill with which they [the Je(w)suits] make use of and increase their super-abundant wealth. They maintain public warehouses, cattle fairs, butcher-stalls, and shops… They lend out their money for usury, and thus cause the greatest loss and injury to others.”
- Roman Catholic Bishop Palafox (from a letter of his in 1647)
“For the Vatican [Ed. Comment: Even then controlled by the Black Pope and his Je(w)suit Order] condemned the Declaration of Independence as ‘wickedness’…and called the Constitution of the United States ‘a Satanic document’.”
– Avro Manhatten (author; from his book The Dollar and the Vatican)
“The [Je(w)suit Superior] General is at the head of this black and mute militia, which thinks, wills, acts, obeys – [as] the passive instrument of his designs. Their whole life must have but one aim – the advancement of the [Je(w)suit] Order to which they are attached.” (1912)
- Jeremiah J. Crowley (Irishman; ex-priest in the Roman Catholic Church; author of the book Romanism: Menace to the Nation)
“Never before in the course of the world’s history had such a Society [i.e., the Je(w)suit Order] appeared. The old Roman Senate itself did not lay schemes for world domination with greater certainty of success.” (1800)
- Friedrich von Hardenberg (German philosopher)
“[Je(w)suit-trained Illuminist Adam] Weishaupt and his fellow Je(w)suits cut off the income to the Vatican by launching and leading the French Revolution; by directing Napoleon’s conquest of Catholic Europe; [and] …by eventually having Napoleon throw Pope Pius VII in jail at Avignon until he agreed, as the price for his release, to reestablish the Je(w)suit Order. This Je(w)suit war on the Vatican was terminated by the Congress of Vienna and by the secret, 1822 Treaty of Verona.”
- Emanuel M. Josephson (American physician and historian)
“Why would the Je(w)suits use their implacable enemy, the Jews, to further their designs for world dominion? The Je(w)suits never do anything out in the open where they can be exposed. If they are recognized as the culprits, they will be blamed and suffer the consequences, but if they can use someone else as the ‘cause of the world’s problems’, especially an enemy they can destroy in the process, then they have simultaneously accomplished two of their objectives. The Jewish people are the perfect scapegoat. Since the Rothschilds are Je(w)suit agents operating under a Jewish cover, using them [i.e., the Rothschilds] in forming the Illuminati back in 1776 effectively throws the onus of this conspiracy on the Jews. The Rothschilds are certainly not the only Je(w)suit agents that operate under a Jewish front.
“History books will tell us that the French Revolution first began in 1787 or 1789, depending on which book you read. However, it was actually planned by [Je(w)suit] Dr. Adam Weishaupt and the House of Rothschild almost 20 years before the Revolution took place.”
- William Sutton (Author of The New Age Movement and Illuminati 666)
“They [i.e., the Je(w)suits] have so constantly mixed themselves up in court and state intrigues that they must, in justice, be reproached with striving after world dominion. They cost kings their lives, not on the scaffold, but by assassination, and equally hurtful as the society of Illuminati; they were the foremost among the crowd, at all events, who applauded the murder scenes in Paris [during the French Revolution].”
- Hector Macpherson (Author of the book The Je(w)suits in History)
“[Je(w)suit Adam] Weishaupt established the [modern version of the] Illuminati specifically to be a front organization behind which the Je(w)suits could hide. After being [formally] abolished by [Pope] Clement XIV in 1773, the Je(w)suits used the Illuminati and other organizations to carry out their operations. Thus, the front organizations would be blamed for the trouble caused by the Je(w)suits.”
- Bill Hughes (Author of The Secret Terrorists and The Enemy Unmasked)
The following sources [Ed. Note: Bill Hughes lists a number of books in later paragraphs] indicate that [Je(w)suit] Adam Weishaupt and the Rothschilds were the brains and the wealth behind the French Revolution.”
- Bill Hughes (From his book The Enemy Unmasked)
“The Je(w)suits, [Je(w)suit Adam] Weishaupt, and the Rothschilds managed to cast the blame for the French Revolution on their front organization, the Illuminati!”
- Bill Hughes (From his book The Enemy Unmasked)
“For over 200 years, the goal [of the Je(w)suits] has been the complete destruction of the United States Constitution. In the religious arena, the goal of the Je(w)suits is to wipe out any trace of Protestantism and other religions, and to restore worldwide domination by the pope.”
- Bill Hughes (From his book The Secret Terrorists)
“[American Secretary of the Navy R.W.] Thompson pinpointed exactly who would be the agents used by the monarchs of Europe to destroy the republic of America, namely, the Je(w)suits of Rome! Since 1815 there has been a continual assault on America by the Je(w)suits to try to destroy the constitutional rights of this great nation. The famous inventor of the Morse Code, Samuel B. Morse, also wrote of this sinister plot [of the Je(w)suits] against the United States.”
- Bill Hughes (From his book The Secret Terrorists)
“By 1815, the Je(w)suits [Ed. Note: through their agents, the Rothschilds] had complete control over England. If a leader did not do as he was told, money would be used to kill, smear [Ed. Note: character assassination is a favorite tactic of the Je(w)suits], destroy, blackmail, or just drive [him] from office. …What was done in England is being done in many countries today.”
- Bill Hughes (From his book The Enemy Unmasked)
“One of the major purposes of the Je(w)suits was to destroy every trace of Protestantism and its principles, including religious freedom, republicanism, representative government, and an economy built around a strong middle class. Another purpose of the Je(w)suits was to greatly expand the power and control of the papacy throughout the entire world.”
- Bill Hughes (From his book The Enemy Unmasked)
“During this Congress [of Verona, Italy in 1822], it was decided that America would be the target of Je(w)suit emissaries and that America was to be destroyed at all costs. Every principle of the [U.S.] Constitution was to be dissolved and new Je(w)suitical principles were to be put into place in order to exalt the Papacy to dominion in America.”
- Bill Hughes (From his book The Secret Terrorists)
“These three meetings, at Vienna, [Austria in 1814-15,] Verona, [Italy in 1822,] and Chieri, [Italy in 1825] were held with as much secrecy as possible. However, one man attended the first two meetings that would not be silenced. British foreign minister George Canning contacted the U.S. government to warn them that the monarchs of Europe [Ed. Note: with the encouragement and support of the Papacy and its Je(w)suits] were planning to destroy the free institutions of America.”
- Bill Hughes (From his book The Secret Terrorists)
“The Monroe Doctrine was America’s response to the Je(w)suits’ Congresses of Vienna [in 1814-15] and Verona [in 1825]. America would consider it an act of war if any European nation sought colonial expansion in the Western Hemisphere. The Je(w)suits have been able secretly to attack and infiltrate America to accomplish exactly what the Monroe Doctrine was stated to protect against. They [i.e., the Je(w)suits] have been able to get away with it because it was done with utmost secrecy and under the façade of being a church.
…The Monroe Doctrine challenged any advance on America by Europe. However, [President] Monroe did not really understand that the crafty Je(w)suits would not initially use the force of arms to gain their objectives. They [i.e., the Je(w)suits] would use cunning, craftiness, and utmost secrecy. They would appeal to men’s basest points. They would plant their agents in positions of wealth and power [Ed. Note: such as in the U.S. Congress and in U.S. intelligence agencies] and then use their influence to gain their great prize – the subversion and destruction of every Protestant principle as outlined in the Constitution of the United States.”
- Bill Hughes (From his book The Secret Terrorists)
“The Je(w)suits function like the Papacy’s secret worldwide police. They are very secretive and go to great lengths to keep their operations secret. They tell no one that they are Je(w)suits. To all outside appearances, they appear as normal people.”
- Bill Hughes (From his book The Secret Terrorists)
“[U.S. President] James Buchanan was poisoned [in 1857] and almost died. He lived because he knew that he had been given arsenic poisoning and so informed his doctors. He knew that the Je(w)suits [had] poisoned [Presidents] Harrison and Taylor [with arsenic].
The Je(w)suit Order fulfilled their oath again that they would poison, kill, or do whatever was necessary to remove those who opposed their plans. From 1841 to 1857, we saw that three [U.S.] Presidents were attacked by the Je(w)suits as outlined in the Congresses of Vienna, Verona, and Chieri. Two died and one barely escaped [death]. They [i.e., the Je(w)suits] allow nothing to stand in their way of total domination of America, and the destruction of the [U.S.] Constitution.”
- Bill Hughes (From his book The Secret Terrorists)
“The Rothschilds were Je(w)suits who used their Jewish background as a façade to cover their sinister activities. The Je(w)suits, working through Rothschild and [financier Nicholas] Biddle, sought to gain control of the banking system of the United States.”
- Bill Hughes (From his book The Secret Terrorists)
“It would seem that the Je(w)suits had had it in mind, from the beginning of the war [the American Civil War of 1861-1865], to find an occasion for the taking off [i.e., the assassination] of Mr. [Abraham] Lincoln.”
- Thomas M. Harris (U.S. Army Brigadier General; Author of the book Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln)
“The favorite policy of the Je(w)suits [is] that of assassination.”
- Brigadier General Thomas M. Harris
“The organization of the [Roman Catholic] Hierarchy is a complete military despotism, of which the Pope is the ostensible [i.e., apparent; seeming] head; but of which, the Black Pope [Ed. Note: The Superior General of the Je(w)suits], is the real head. The Black Pope is the head of the order of the Je(w)suits, and is called a General [i.e., the Superior General]. He not only has command of his own order, but [also] directs and controls the general policy of the [Roman Catholic] Church. He [the Black Pope] is the power behind the throne, and is the real potential head of the Hierarchy. The whole machine is under the strictest rules of military discipline. The whole thought and will of this machine, to plan, propose and execute, is found in its head. There is no independence of thought, or of action, in its subordinate parts. Implicit and unquestioning obedience to the orders of superiors in authority, is the sworn duty of the priesthood of every grade…”
- Brigadier General Thomas M. Harris
[Je(w)suit-trained Illuminist Adam] Weishaupt’s success in forcing the Vatican to reestablish the abolished Je(w)suit Order [Ed. Note: it had been abolished in 1773 by Pope Clement XIV], through revival of the Church’s original Nazarene Communism in the form of present-day Communism, led to the conspiracy’s control by the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Je(w)suits]...
…Wherever a totalitarian movement erupts, whether Communist or Nazi, a Je(w)suit can be found in the role of ‘advisor’ or leader; in [Communist] Cuba Fr. Armando Llorente and in Argentina the neo-Nazis are led by Fr. Menvieille.”
- Emanuel M. Josephson (1968)
“Today they [i.e., the Je(w)suits] are stronger in the United States than they ever were in any of the countries of Europe which expelled them as a menace to the government.” (1912)
- Jeremiah J. Crowley
“Above all things, Je(w)suits are ‘confessors’. Their services unto the royalty were urged as a ‘need’, as they became assigned to hear the confessions of the aristocrats, emperors, kings, queens, princes, princesses, [‘royal’] mistresses, those in every level of government – they all revealed their secret plans, their intimate sins, their inner-most thoughts, as their lives became virtually an open book to the Je(w)suits.
…Through various means of diplomacy, Je(w)suits worked their way into offices of State, climbing up to be the counselors of kings, and shaping the policy of nations. But it was ‘religion’ and its sacred duties of hearing the confessions of their penitents, and being their religious ‘wise’ guides, that was the key to their success. Without the ‘need’ of a religious confessor, the history of the Je(w)suits may have been quite different. And the Je(w)suits made very sure that it was they who filled that need as confessors [Ed. Note: especially to the rich and power elite] instead of the other orders of priests, by providing a most attractive policy of leniency as an enticement for their penitents.”
- John Daniel (Author of the book The Grand Design Exposed)
“In the agreement to rescue Rome [i.e., the Roman Catholic Church’s hierarchy] from the predicament of losing its world control to Protestantism, and to preserve the spiritual and temporal supremacy which the popes [had] ‘usurped’ during the Middle Ages, Rome now ‘sold’ the [Roman Catholic] Church to the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Je(w)suits]; in essence the popes surrendered themselves into their hands.”
- John Daniel
“Eight years before the attempted [Spanish] Armada invasion [of 1588], Je(w)suits were seditiously active plotting the overthrow of the English government. By using different disguises, aliases, and secret codes, to illegally slip in and out of England, Je(w)suit Robert Parson, in 1580, had led and then later organized a mission to bring other Je(w)suits into England to engage in a work of subversion.
When the [attempted] invasion [by the Spanish Armada] failed, these masters of intrigue [i.e., the Je(w)suits] turned to another bizarre scheme. Known in your encyclopedia under the subject, ‘The Gunpowder Plot’ – thirteen Catholic noblemen and five Je(w)suits formed a conspiracy devising a plan to explode 36 barrels of gunpowder in the cellar of the House of Lords and kill King James I, and members of the [House of] Commons as they assembled for the opening of Parliament on 5 November 1605. Their plan was to blow up the Parliament building and out of the chaos incite the people into a full insurrection.
…But before the date it [i.e., the basement full of explosives] was to be detonated, the explosives were discovered, leading to the arrest of all those involved. …Of the five Je(w)suits involved, two escaped, one died in prison, and two were convicted and executed.”
- John Daniel
“The Thirty Years’ War, 1618-1648, was a series of conflicts that became the last great struggle of religious wars in Europe. It was fought almost exclusively on German soil…but before the war ended, it involved most of the nations of Europe. The underlying cause of the war was the deep-seated hostility between the German Protestants and German Catholics – with the Je(w)suits and Cardinal Richelieu, who was the real ruler of France, fanning the fires to accomplish their ends.”
- John Daniel
“…The [Roman Catholic] Church to rule the world; the [‘White’] Pope to rule the Church; [and] the Je(w)suits [Ed. Note: headed by the ‘Black Pope’, the Je(w)suit Superior General] to rule the [‘White’] Pope – such was and is the program of the Order [i.e., Society] of Jesus [i.e., the Je(w)suit Order].”
- John Daniel
“The sixth and last event to be considered is the barbarous Irish Massacre, with its 23 October 1641 launching date – the date that also celebrates the Catholic feast of Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Je(w)suits.
…Again the plot is instigated by the Je(w)suits, priests, and friars, who excite the ignorant Irish Catholic people to a frenzy to commit the most unheard of cruelties. In far away France, Cardinal Richelieu, the French minister, had promised the [Irish Catholic] conspirators a considerable supply of men and money. In one stroke, Catholics rose up against their peaceful and unsuspecting Protestant neighbors, and spared no age, no sex, nor condition. Led on and declared by their fanatical priestly leaders, that no Protestant should be suffered to live any longer among them, adding that it was no more sin to kill a Protestant than to kill a dog, and that the relieving or protecting them was a crime of the most unpardonable nature.
The onslaught raged on, and when it had run its course, one hundred and fifty thousand Protestants lay mutilated, butchered, and dead.
…For the unbiased researcher, history reeks of the butchery of Romanism, where whole cities and populations were unmercifully wiped out, just because they worshipped God in a manner that was different from Roman Catholicism.”
- John Daniel
“…By a ‘providential’ synchronism, when [Italian dictator] Mussolini seized power in Italy thanks to don Sturzo, Je(w)suit and chief of the Catholic party, Monseigneur Seipel, a Je(w)suit, became chancellor of Austria. He held that position until 1929, with an interregnum of two years, and, during those decisive years, he led the Austrian interior politics on to the reactionary and clerical road; his successors followed him on that road which led to the absorption of that country into the German block. The bloody repression of working-class uprisings earned him [i.e., Je(w)suit Monseigneur Seipel] the nickname ‘Keine Milde Kardinal’ – the ‘Cardinal without mercy’.”
- Edmond Paris (Author of the book The Secret History of the Je(w)suits)
“It is believed that the Pope [i.e., Pius XI] will offer these services to Signor [Benito] Mussolini through the Je(w)suit Father Pietro Tachi-Venturi, who is often consulted by Mussolini on important matters.”
- (Daily Express, 2/9/1935) BRITISH UNITED PRESS
“In the early days of May (1936), [German Knight of Malta Franz] von Papen entered into secret negotiations with Dr. SchussIm_an_idiotustrian Chancellor) working on his weak point [i.e., he was a devout Roman Catholic] and showed him how advantageous a reconciliation with [Nazi leader Adolph] Hitler would be as far as the Vatican’s interests were concerned; the argument may seem odd, but Schussnigg was very devout, and von Papen was the pope’s [German] chamberlain [i.e., a high official in certain royal courts].
Not surprisingly, it was the [pope’s] secret chamberlain [in Germany – i.e., Knight of Malta Franz von Papen] who led the whole affair, which ended, on the 11th of March 1938, with the resignation of the pious Schussnigg (pupil of the Je(w)suits), in favor of Seyss-Inquart, chief of the Austrian Nazis. The following day [March 12, 1938], the German troops entered Austria and the puppet government of Seyss-Inquart proclaimed the union of the country to the [Nazi German Third] Reich. The event was welcomed by an enthusiastic declaration of Vienna’s archbishop, Cardinal Innitzer (a Je(w)suit).”
- Edmond Paris (Author of the book The Secret History of the Je(w)suits)
“The SS had been organized by [Heinrich] Himmler according to the principles of the Je(w)suit Order. The rules of service and spiritual exercises prescribed by Ignatius de Loyola [Ed. Note: the founder of the Je(w)suit Order] constituted a model which [Heinrich] Himmler strove carefully to copy. Absolute obedience was the supreme rule; every order had to be executed without comment.”
- Walter Shellenberg ((Chief of the Nazi Sicherheitdienst (SD))
“The German author Walter Hagen gives also this discreet information: ‘The Je(w)suits’ [Superior] General, Count Halke von Ledochowski, was ready to organize, on the common basis of anti-communism, some collaboration between the German Secret Service and the Je(w)suit Order.’
As a result, within the SS Central Security Service, an organization was created, and most of its main posts were held by Catholic priests wearing the black uniform of the [Nazi] SS. The Je(w)suit [priest] ‘father’ Himmler [uncle of Heinrich Himmler] was one of its superior officers.”
- Edmond Paris (Author of the book The Secret History of the Je(w)suits)
“…Kurt Heinrich Himmler [was] chief of the Gestapo [i.e., the secret police force of the German Nazi state], which meant he held in his hand the essential reins of power of the [Nazi] regime. Was it his personal merits which earned him such a high position? Did Hitler see in him a superior genius when he compared him [i.e., Heinrich Himmler] to the creator of the Je(w)suit Order [i.e., Ignatius of Loyola]? It is certainly not what the testimonies of those who knew him imply, as they saw in him nothing more than mediocrity.
Was that ‘star’ [of Heinrich Himmler] shining with a borrowed ‘brightness’? Was it really Kurt Heinrich Himmler, the ostensible [i.e., apparent] chief, who actually reigned over the Gestapo and the secret services? Who was sending millions of people, deported for political reasons, and Jews to their death? Was it the flat-faced nephew or [was it] the [Je(w)suit priest] uncle, the former Canon at the Court of Bavaria, one of [Je(w)suit Superior General] Ledochowski’s favorites, a Je(w)suit ‘father’ and superior officer of the [Nazi] SS?”
- Edmond Paris
“The Je(w)suits, in control of [Adolph] Hitler’s occultic and homosexual Third Reich…, installed puppet dictators throughout Europe. They were:
· Bavarian Germany and the Third Reich – [Adolph] Hitler [born-died: 1889-1945]
· Italy – [Benito] Mussolini [born-died: 1883-1945]
· ‘Vichy’ France – [Henri Philippe] Petain [born-died: 1856-1951]
· Spain – [Francisco] Franco
· Austria – Seyss-Inquart
· Poland – Frank
· Slovakia – [Je(w)suit] Priest Tiso
· Croatia – [Ante] Pavelitch ((Ed. Note: alternate spelling: Pavelic))
· Belgium – Degrelle.
All these Roman Catholic, Je(w)suit-controlled, Jew-hating dictators were loyal to the greatest war criminal of all, Papal Caesar Pius XII and his master, Je(w)suit [Superior] General Wlodimir Ledochowski.”
- Eric Jon Phelps (Author of the book Vatican Assassins)
The term ‘Je(w)suit’ has become synonymous with terms like deceit, chicanery, infiltration, intrigue, subversion…many organized Je(w)suits have been justly described as treacherous, traitorous workers, seducing many in the service of the Roman Pontiff away from national allegiance…” (1987)
- J. E. C. Shepherd (Canadian historian)
“The presence of the Je(w)suits in any country, Romanist [i.e., Catholic] or Protestant, is likely to breed social disturbance.”
- Lord Palmerston
“There was no disguise they (the Je(w)suits) could not assume, and therefore, there was no place into which they could not penetrate. They could enter unheard the closet of the Monarch, or the Cabinet of the Statesman. They could sit unseen in convocation or General Assembly, and mingle unsuspected in the deliberations and debates.
There was no tongue they could not speak, and no creed they could not profess, and thus there was no people among whom they might not sojourn, and no church whose membership they might not enter and whose functions they might not discharge. The could execrate [i.e., sharply denounce] the Pope with the Lutheran, and swear the Solemn League with the Covenanter.”
- J.A. Wylie (Rev.; Author of the book The History of Protestantism)
“The assassins of St. Bartholomew [i.e., the Catholics who slaughtered the French Protestant Huguenots in 1572, starting with the St. Bartholomew massacre on August 24th], the inquisitors and the Je(w)suits are monsters produced by malignant imaginations; they are the natural allies of the spirit of darkness and of death…” (1883)
- Edwin A. Sherman (Author of the book The Engineer Corps of Hell)
“The sad facts of the matter are that the Vatican has been THE major player in the geopolitical arena for many centuries. And, for the past four centuries, the Je(w)suit Order (operating from within the Vatican) has been THE major player in both the geopolitical arena and the theological arena – and a very big player (through its Knights of Malta) in the financial arena and in the international intelligence community! The more I study history and the more ‘I turn over stones’, the more I find the ‘footsteps and fingerprints’ of the Vatican – and, again, more specifically, its Je(w)suit Order – involved in the most sinister and evil activities!
Indeed, the Je(w)suit Order (i.e., The Society of Jesus, ‘The Company’), headed by the Je(w)suit Superior General (i.e., the ‘Black Pope’), is the most formidable enemy to religious and civil liberty that the world has probably ever seen. The Je(w)suits became so infamous in Europe for fomenting wars and revolutions, and for assassinating heads of State, that they were expelled from 83 countries, city-states, and cities by 1931 – quite often by Roman Catholic monarchs!
The Je(w)suit Superior General, the Black Pope, not only controls his powerful Je(w)suit Order, but also controls the powerful Knights of Malta, top-level Knights of Columbus, and the top-levels of Freemasonry. Through his control of the top levels of Secret Societies (especially Knights of Malta and high-level Freemasons), he controls the top intelligence agencies of the world. A good example of this occurred in World War II: the top intelligence man in the OSS (later CIA) was Knight of Malta William “Wild Bill” Donovan; the top intelligence man in Nazi Germany on the eastern front was German Knight of Malta General Reinhard Gehlen; and the top intelligence man in the Soviet Union was Knight of Malta Prince Anton Turkul (who used Je(w)suit priests for his couriers). Thus, the Je(w)suit Order was in control of the major combatants, and able to ‘steer’ the war in the directions they wanted – and in the process to slaughter millions of their favorite targets (Jews, Protestants, and Orthodox Christians).
Additionally, because of his control of the Vatican hierarchy (through his Je(w)suit Order and P-2 Masonry), the Je(w)suit Superior General also has control and use of the ‘Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’ (i.e., the Office of Inquisition), the Roman Curia, and Vatican finances (which are substantial)! If all this does not make the ‘Black Pope’ the most powerful man on the face of the earth, I do not know what would.
Secret societies – most particularly the Je(w)suit Order with its Knights of Malta and top-level Freemasons – must be exposed and removed from our shores, or America will not survive!” – Darryl Eberhart (2005; Editor of “Tackling the Tough Topics” and “Examining the Tough Issues” newsletters – Please see web site: www.tacklingthetoughtopics.net.)
(Note: Here is the full quote of Lincoln from which the excerpt on page one was taken:)
“This [American Civil] war [of 1861-1865] would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Je(w)suits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis [President of the Confederacy] nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promises of the Je(w)suits, that under the mask of Democracy, the money and arms of the Roman Catholic, even the arms of France, were at their disposal if they would attack us. I pity the priests, the bishops and monks of Rome in the United States, when the people realize that they are, in great part, responsible for the tears and the blood shed in this war. I conceal what I know on that subject from the knowledge of the nation, for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and it would at once take a tenfold more savage and bloody character. It would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides.
The Protestants of both the North and the South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the Je(w)suits, if they could hear what Professor [Samuel B.] Morse [Ed. Note: U.S. inventor of the telegraph] has said to me of the plots made in the very city of Rome [i.e., at the Vatican] to destroy this Republic, and if they could learn how the [Roman Catholic] priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their schools, taking care of the sick in the hospitals, are nothing else but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon, and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our Constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free.”
(Note: What follows is the full quotation of Samuel Morse from which the short excerpt given on the first page of this document was taken:)
“Let us examine the operations of this Austrian Society [the St. Leopold Foundation], for it is hard at work all around us, yes, here in this country [i.e., the USA]… With its headquarters in Vienna [Austria], under the immediate direction and inspection of [Austrian Prince] Metternich, …it makes itself already felt through the [American] Republic. Its emissaries are here. And who are these emissaries? They are Je(w)suits. This [Roman Catholic] society of men, after exerting their tyranny for upwards of two hundred years, at length became so formidable to the world, threatening the entire subversion to all social order, that even the Pope [i.e., Clement XIV], whose devoted subjects they [i.e., the Je(w)suits] are, and must be, by the vow of their society, was compelled to dissolve them [in 1773].
They had not been suppressed, however, for fifty years, before the waning influence of Popery and Despotism required their useful labors to resist the light of Democratic liberty, and the Pope (Pius VII) simultaneously with the formation of the Holy Alliance [in Europe], revived the order of the Je(w)suits in all their power. ((Ed. Comment: Pope Pius VII restored the Je(w)suit Order in 1814 in exchange for his release from prison, where he had spent five years under Je(w)suit “persuasion”.))
And do Americans need to be told what Je(w)suits are? If any are ignorant, let them inform themselves of their history without delay; no time is to be lost; their workings are before you in every day’s events; they are a secret society, a sort of Masonic order with super added features of revolting odiousness, and a thousand times more dangerous. They are not merely priests, or priests of one religious creed; they are merchants, and lawyers, and editors, and men of any profession, having no outward badge (in this country [i.e., the USA]) by which to be recognized; they are about in all your society. They can assume any character, that of angels of light, or ministers of darkness, to accomplish their one great end, the service upon which they are sent, whatever that service may be.
The Je(w)suits are highly educated men, prepared, and sworn to start at any moment, and in any direction, and for any service, commanded by the general of their order [i.e., the Je(w)suit Superior General, the “Black Pope”], bound to no family, community, or country, by the ordinary ties which bind men; and sold the soul to the cause of the Roman Pontiff.
In just a matter of time as more evidence of the 911 conspiracy falls apart I believe concrete evidence will surface that will allow us to see the failed coup d'tate of 911 masterminds were none other that the black robed priests who serve as the double agents for the Caesar of Rome.
QUOTES SOURCE: http://open.salon.com/blog/lastdaysdeceptionnews/2010/07/07/quotes_on_the_je(w)suit_order (interrupted)
- See more at: http://secret.theroyalsociety.eu/#sthash.i98xxvNz.dpuf
Mirror (includes Occult Calendar with Legend, and statements by famous people on Je(w)suit scum) >>
(DISCLAIMER: Je(w)suit order is not the
only (most) dangerous geopolitical axis; others too hide
behind Je(w)suits/Church!)